Delusional disorder

Delusion is defined as the unshakeable false and fix belief.

    The following common types of delusion are:-

    A. Paranoid delusion:-

    •Patient has a false belief that members of 
     his family trying to kill him.
    •It is most common form of delusion
    •It is present in paranoid Schizophrenia

    B. Delusion of control:-

    •A delusion that one's thought or actions     are  under the control of external forces. 

    C. Hypochondriacal delusion:-

    •False belief that patient has some medical   illnesses and ignored all medical reports. 

    D. Delusion of reference:- 

    •False belief of others refers to oneself. 
    •Example:- patient think ward incharge   talking about me.

    E. Delusion of grandiosity:-

    False belief that oneself is most important   and powerful person. 
    •Mainly present in mania.

    F. Somatic delusion:-

    •It means the false belief that body functions  is some how diseased ,changed or abnormal.

    G. Delusion of jealousy:-

    •False belief that one's sexual partner is   unfaithful and going out with other person. 

    H. Delusion of love or erotomania :-

    •In this form of delusion the patient think he   or she love with a famous person or  someone who is in superior status.
    •Usually there is no contact between them.

    I. Delusion of withdrawal or delusion of broadcasting:-

    •Patient belief that thought have been taken
    out from their mind by some out side agency. 
    •Patient also feeling that one's thought are   being broadcast to the environment    through  radio or television. 

    J. Delusion of thought insertion :-

    •Patient belief that some of their thought   are  not own but have implanted by some   out side  agency. 

    K.  Nihilistic delusion:-

    •This type of delusion are mainly found in   depressive or schizophrenic patient. 
    •Patient doesn't accept the existence of his   body, loved ones and the world around   him.

    I hope you like our article on delusion and it's types. Please watch above video for better understanding about this topic. 

                   Thank you.