

Thermameter is an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature.

The thermameter have two part :- 

          1) bulb 

           2) steam 

Normal body temperature is 94°F-106°F

Normal range of thermameter is 

35°c-43.3°c / 95°- 110°F 

    Many  types of thermameter=

    1) Oral thermameter = oral thermameter have two parts - bulb and steam 

    The bulb = bulb is cylindrical in shape, contain colour sliver or gray , the buld is long.

    The steam = Mercury expansion .

    Care of thermameter = 

    Disinfectant are use for the oral thermameter :- savlon for 5min.

                                - Dettol for 5min.

                                - Lysol for 3min.

    Cleaning of thermameter = befor using  clean bulb to steam . And after using clean the steam to bulb .

    2) Rectal thermameter = have two parts 

             1) Bulb (short,round, and have red/ blue mercury ) 

             2) steam ( mercury expansion) 

    3) Digital thermameter = It is also known as electrical thermameter .

    Time duration for reading 1min/ after beeping .

    Disinfectant - 70% alcohol 

    4) Disposable thermameter = for single use and based on colour cord .

    5) lotion thermameter = for the solutions and water .

    0°c - 100°c / 32°-212°F 

    6) Forehead chemical thermameter

    Use for the infant and child 

    Time = 15-20 sec. 

    Based on colour cord 

      Green colour for temperature of baby 

    Green colour and red meaning 1/2° temperature decrease .

    Green colour and blue colour meaning 1/2° temperature increase .

    7) Tympanic membrane thermameter = Use for the core temperature 

    Other name of thermameter is infrared thermameter or thermameter gun .

    Time - 1-2sec. 

    Sites for temperature = 

    1. Oral :- normal temperature 98.6°F/37°c 

    Site in oral - sublingual under the tongue .

    Timing for glass thermameter = 1-3min.

    Electrical thermameter = after beeping 

    Temperature variation :- 

                    1°F high - axilla 

                    1°F low -  rectal 

    - contraindications = oral surgery 

                                        -Child below 6 year 

                                        - mental I'll 

                                        - seizures 

                                        - coughing 

                                        - O2 mask 

     2) Axilla = normal temperature 97.6°F / 36.4°c 

    Variation of temperature 

                1°F low -oral 

                 2°F low rectal 

     Contraindications = enlarge lymph node , burn , fracture .

    3) Rectal = normal temperature 99.6°F/ 37.5°c 

    Variation of temperature

                       1°F high- oral 

                        2°F high - axilla 

    Contraindications :- 



       Bleeding disorders

       Cardiac patients 

       Hemorrhoids surgery 



    Procedure = 

    Position - sims position 1st priority 

                          Left lateral position

    2% xylocaine gelly on tip of thermameter up to 2 inch to prevent friction and injury .

    Nurse instruct the patient during insertion - 

    - Exhale the breath by mouth due to nose surgery (1-5 sec.) For relax the rectal sphincter.

    Insertion in adults - 1- 1.5 inch 

    Insertion in child - 0.5 - 1 inch 

    Insertion in infants - 0.5 inch .


     I hope you all like our article on thermameter. Please watch above video on thermameter to better understand. 

    Thank you.