pharmacology is the branch of medicine and pharmaceutical science that deal with the study of Drugs and it’s effects on body and body response to drug.


Any of the chemical substance which used for the purpose of diagnosis of diseaseprevention of disease and treatment of disease. 

    Drug effect on body:-

     study about what the drug does with the body (pharmacodynamics).

    Body response to drugs:- 

    what the body does with the drug(pharmacokinetics).   


      means what does drug do to the body. In our body the drug show their mechanism of action which mostly two following types:-

     ■ Desirable Action:- In desirable action the drug show their action at target site in desirable manner.

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    Mostly 3. Purpose for drug administration which are:- 

    • a) Diagnosis of disease.
    • b) Prevention of disease. 
    • c) Treatment of disease.

    ■ Some Drugs also show undesirable effects which is harmful for body of an individual like:-

    • Side effect eg. Nausea and vomiting 
    • Adverse effects eg. Allergic reactions 
    • Toxic effect eg. Organ failure. 


     In pharmacokinetics we study what the body does with the drugs /medicine.

    The word kinetic means movement.

    In pharmacokinetics we study with the drug movement.

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    In the pharmacokinetics four major process occur which are:-

          1.Absorption    2. Distribution 
          3.Metabolism   4. Excretion. 


    Absorption is the movement of the drug from its site of administration to the systemic circulation is called as absorption.

     ☆ Absorption depend upon following process:-
    1. Passive diffusion. 
    2. Facilitate diffusion.
    3. Active transport. 
    4. Pinocytosis. 

    ☆ Factor affecting drug absorption:-

    • Liquid medicinal preparation are better absorbed then solid medicine. 
    • High lipid soluble, small size drugs favour rapid absorption. 
    • Higher concentration of drug.
    • Large surface area more absorption. 
    • Acidic drugs are rapidly absorb from stomach, basic by small intestine. 
    • Increase peristalsis=decrease absorption. 
    • Parental route is better then enteral route.


    Once the drug enters into the blood stream, it distributed to other tissues of body. 

    Plasma (high concentration)
     Tissues (low concentration)

    ☆ Factor affecting the volume of drug distribution:-

    • Lipid solubility. 
    • Plasma protein binding.
    • Affinity of tissue.
    • Fat.
    • CHF.
    • Uremia.
    • Cirrhosis.


    Highly lipid soluble drugs get initially distributed to organs with high blood flow , later less vascular but more bulky tissues (muscle, fat) take up the drug-plasma concentration falls and the drug is withdrawn from these sites.

    ☆Tissue storage:-

    Drug may accumulate in specific organs by active transport or get bound.


    Metabolism or bio transformation means the drugs chemical change complex form to simple form  facilitate for easily excretion from body through urine,stool, vapour,saliva,lactating etc.

    4 EXCRETION :-

    It is last and very important part of pharmacokinetics which is defined as the removal of drugs from the body.

     Drug excretion depends upon the nature of drugs like lipid soluble, water soluble, volatile etc.

    There are many different routes for drug excretion:-
    • Urine. 
    • Stool.
    • Volatile solvents. 
    • Saliva 
    • Lactating etc.

    I hope you like our article on basics of pharmacology or introduction to pharmacology and is helpful for you I suggest YouTube video that is given above for fully understand introduction to pharmacology,so please watch it now and share your friends.