Definition of fever 

Fever or pyrexia is defined as a rise in body temperature above 99°f or 37.2°c.

The balance between the thermogenesis and thermolysis is called fever.

    Causes of fever :- 

    • Infection
    • Disease of nervous  system
    • Blood disease such as lukemia, embolism and thrombosis. 
    • Heat stroke from exposure to hot environment.
    • Dehydration 
    • surgical trauma and crushing injury.
    • Allergic reaction to foreign protein.

    Types of fever :-

    1) constant / continuous fever = There is temperature varies not more than two degree between morning and evening and does not reach normal for a period of days or weeks.

    2) Intermitted pyrexia = Temperature rise from normal or abnormal to high fever and bock at regular intervals .
    The interval may vary from few hours to three days usually temperature is highest in evening than in the morning 
    3) Remitted fever = Remitted fever is a fever characterized by variation of more than two degree between morning and evening but does not reach normal .

    4) Relapsing fever = Relapsing fever is one in which there are brief febrile period followed by one or more day of normal temperature.

    5) Irregular fever = when fever is entered irregular in cause it is called irregular fever .

    6) sustained fever constant body temperature continuously above 38°c or 100.4°f that demonstrate little.

    Defence mechanism of fever :-

    • Fever is sign of disease .
    • It is protective function .
    • Increase in the temperature prevent growth of organism causing disease .
    • There is destruction of bacteria through phagocytosis  and producing immune bodies .
    • Hormones promote the body's defence against infection .
    • person experience chill , shivering and cold.
    • Body produce and conserve heat.

    Nursing care of patients with pyrexia :- 

    • To increase heat loss.
    • Reduce heat production.
    • prevent complications.
    • promote balance between heat production and heat loss.
    • Encourage oral hygiene , prevent dehydration .
    • provide complete bed rest .
    • The clothing should be light ,loose , smooth , cotton,non irritating .

    Covid- 19 

    Definition of covid-19 :-

    Corona virus disease is an infectious disease caused by newly discovered corona virus .
    Mostly people who fall sick with covid 19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment .

    Sign and symptom :- 

    • Sever illness
    • Headache 
    • loss of smell and taste 
    • Nasal congestion 
    • Runny nose 
    • Cough 
    • Muscles pain 
    • Sore throat 
    • Fever
    • diarrhea
    • Difficulty in breathing.

    Treatment of covid-19:-

    1. Isolate yourself in a well ventilated room.
    2. Use a triple layer medical mask discard after 8hours of use .
    3. Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting with 1% sodium hypochlorite. 
    4. Monitor daily O2 saturation with pulse oximeter .
    5. Monitor daily temperature.
    I hope you all like our article on fever , if you have any query related to topic please comment in comment box.