What is pulse
What is pulse

What is pulse 

Pulse is is an alternate dilation and recoil of artery .

A rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them , typically as felt in the wrists or neck.

    Characteristics of pulse :-

    Quality of pulse base on fullness of artery .

    1) Pulse amplitude

     a) Absent pulse = can't feel the pulse and no. Is "0" .

    b) wire pulse = present in shock condition . It is also known as threaten pulse and no. Is "1" .

    c) weak pulse = stronger than wire pulse and no. Is "2" .

    d) Normal pulse = "3" number.

    e) Bounding pulse = Extra volume is present due to over hydration and no. Is "4" .

    2) pulse rate 

    Most common side of distal end of redial pulse and pulsation feeled in one min.

    Exercise and hot application increase pulse rate .

    Cold application is decrease pulse rate.

    3) Rhythm 

    Regular intervals between pulse beat is called normal sinus rhythm .

    Variation in regular pulse is called arrhythmia / disrhythmia .

    Pulse deficit = Difference between apical and radial pulse.

    Intermitted pulse = pulse is missed or absent at regular intervals .

    Dicrotic pulse = Find 2 pulses due to one heart beat .

    Atrial fibrillation = Repid contraction of atrium due to poor blood flow .

    Ventricular fibrillation = more than 300 ventricle contraction .

    4) Pulse volume 

    Amount of blood by which pulse create.

    Water Hamer pulse/ collapsing pulse = volume is full but pulse suddenly disappeare .

    Pulse alternus = Normal rhythm pulse rate but volume regularly strong or weak .

    Bigeminal pulse = Alternative pulse is weak and comes early .

    Peradoxical pulse = during inspiration absorve weak pulse  rate.

    Common sites for taking pulse= 

    Temporal artery = lateral site above the eye and time duration is 1 min.

    Facial artery = Angle of jaw use in emergency .

    Carotid artery = present in neck and use circulation check in unconscious patients and time duration is 5-10 second . 

    Apical pulse = Most common accurate pulse side is mitral valve / left midclavicular line.

    Below the nipple 4th -5 th inter costal space .

    In children - 4th ICS 

    Adult - 5th ICS 

    Pregnant lady - 4th iCS 

    Apical pulse check from 5 th intercostal space .

    Radial pulse= most common use of radial pulse .

    Brachial artery = In infant and neonate , use the brachial artery for pulse due to unconscious condition .

    The carotid and femoral artery is not use because more fat deposit in carotid and femoral artery .

    Use of Brachial artery in adults is blood pressure measurement .

    Femoral artery = use for the cardiac catheterization .

    Dorsal pedals = Front site of foot .

    Posterior tibial pulse = use after heart catheterization .

    Poplitial artery = poplitial fossa back of knee .

    Method of taking pulses

    1) palpation = palpation is done using the frist and second fingers of hand .

    Arise the pressure on the artery and count the rate , rhythm and Assess the quantity of pulsation .

    2) Auscultation = the most accurate assessment of pulse rate is apical pulse band assist by the placing diaphragm of stethoscope our apex of heart .

    The sound heard by ear piece and count for one full min.

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