

Otosclerosis is a term  derived from "oto" which means "of the ear" & "sclerosis" meaning " abnormal hardening of  body tissue .

Otosclerosis or hardening of the ear  means formation of abnormal spang like bone growth along the stapes in the middle ear.

It is an inherited disorder that cause hearing loss due to the ear's inability to amplify sound .

Normally  3 small bones are connected to the eardrum  to help amplify the sound waves . when someone has otosclerosis condition the stapes become immobile  prevent transmission of sound vibration in to the ear leading to conductive hearing loss.

otosclerosis usually affect the both ear's.

    Etiological factor of OTOSCLEROSIS

    The exact causes is unknown

    ▪️ heredity  (50%)

    ▪️ sex (females are more  affected then males )

    ▪️ environment factors ( usually viral infection like measles).

    Pathophysiology of OTOSCLEROSIS

                    Due to etiological factors


         Bone is  continuously begin to breakdown 


                  Remoulding process occur


                 Remoulding become faulty


         Stapes cover by abnormal bone growth


                  Reduce movement of stapes 



    Clinical manifestations of otosclerosis

    • Hearing impairment
    • Tinnitus
    • Balance problem
    • Vertigo
    • Pt. has monotonous speech 

     Diagnostic evaluation of otosclerosis

    ▪️History collection

    ▪️ physical examination

    ▪️Audiometry test

    ▪️ct- scan

    ▪️MRT (evaluation of soft tissue & tumar)

    ▪️audio graphy (to assess hearing loss)

    ▪️weber test (it is a screening test with tunic  fork)

    Management of Otosclerosis

    Medical management :-

    Hearing aids can be used to treat hearing loss.

    Surgical  management:-

    Stapedectomy :- it is surgical removal & prosthetic replacement of of part of all stapes to relive deafness & improve hearing process.

    stapedotomy :-  

    This surgery performed by drilling  a small hole in a stapes with a lesar.



    Ototoxicity  is the pharmacological adverse reaction affecting the inner ear or auditory nerve   .this can happen when someone is on a high dose of a drug & chemicals  that can treat cancer , infection or other illness . 

    In ear poisoning condition damag the ear organs responsible for hearing and balance which can lead to temporary and permanent hearing loss &balance problem.


    ✴️Certain cancer medications:-

    • Cisplatin 

    • Vinceristin 

    ✴️ NSAID'S drugs  :-

    • aspirin 

    • Ibuprofen

    • Naproxen

    ✴️water pills and diuretics :-

    • Furosemide 

    • Acetazolamide 

    ✴️aminoglycoside antibiotics  :-

    • Streptomycin 

    • Amikacin

    • Gentamicin


    • Mercury

    • Carbon monoxide 

    • Carbon disulphate

    • Oxylinesulphate


    • Tinnitus 

    • Vertigo

    • Hearing loss

    • Disturbance in balance 

    • Nausea vomiting


    Carefully moniter serum drug level.

    Moniter liver function test as well as  renal function test.

    Evaluation of hearing before and after drug therapy.

    Avoid noisy environment.

    Use lowest dose to achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

    Give antidotes to relive toxic drugs.

    I hope you like our article on OTOSCLEROSIS and OTOTOXICITY. If you better understand about this topic then please visit our you tube video link given above. 

                                 ▪️ Thank you ▪