What is ovaries and it's structure, function

Introduction of ovary :-

  • The ovary is a paired sex glands or gonads which is fundamental structure of female reproductive system
  • Each ovary is oval in shaped and pinkish gray in colour which produce reproductive cell (ovum). 
  • The ovary are attached to broad ligament by mesovarium and to pelvis by suspensory ligament 
  • On the surface of the ovary female having cuboidal type of cells known as germinal epithelium and in nullipara women having intraperitoneal structures. 
  • It is also called primary sex gland in female.

    size or weight of ovary :- 

    • The ovary measures about 3cm in length, 2cm in breadth and 1cm in thickness. 
    • Weight of ovary is measures about 0.14 to 0.3ownce (2 to 3 in gm) 

    Location of ovary :-

    • The ovary lies in the ovarian fossa on the lateral pelvic wall. 

    Borders of ovary :-

    • Each ovary has two borders first is mesovarium and second is free posterior. 

    Relations of ovary :-

    Anterior and mesovarium :- 

    • ovary anteriorly related to the fold of peritoneum from the posterior leaf of the broad ligament. 

    Posterior relation :- 

    • The posterior border is related to the ampulla part of fallopian tube and separated by the peritoneum Frome the ureter and the iliac artery. 

    Lateral relation :-

    • The lateral surface is related to the ovarian fossa on lateral pelvic wall. 

    Structure of ovary :-

    The structure of ovary consist of two part (stroma :- cortex, medulla) 

    1.Cortex :-

    • Cortex is outer portion of ovary. It contains ovarian follicle in various stages of maturity (primordial follicle, maturing follicle and graffian follicle) corpus luteum and corpus albicans(white body) , corpus luteum (yellow body). 
    Oocyte :- a cells which undergo in meiotic development to form ovum
    Ovary - female reproductive system

    2.Medulla :-

    • Medulla is a center portion of ovary which consist blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels and some smooth tissue
    • There are small collection of cells called hilus cells which is homologous to the interstitial cells of the testes. 

    Development of ovary :- 

    • Ovary is developed from the cortex of the undifferentiated genital ridges by about 9th week. 

    Functions of ovary :- 

    • The primary function of ovary is releases of ovum  (germ cell) for fertilization in fallopian tube and implantation of zygote in uterus and the secondary function is realising of hormone estrogen and progesterone (help in development of secondary sexual characteristics). 

    Blood supply of ovary :-

    Atrial supply :-

    • Ovary recieves atrial supply from ovarian artery, a branch of the abdominal aorta. 

    Venous supply :-

    • Venous drainage occur through ovarian veins which drain into inferior vana cava on right side and left renal vein on the  left side. 

    Some others query related to ovary :-

    Ovary pain :-

    • Ovary pain, you will most likely fell in your lower abdominal because ovary is located your lower abdomen. Many women experience pain in their ovary time to time typically related to their menstrual cycle. Ovary pain may be acute or chronic. Acute means pain occur for short duration and chronic means pain occur for long duration

    Common causes of ovary pain :-

    • Menstrual pain :- menstrual pain may be occur during in a menstrual cycle due releases of prostaglandin and hormone. This cramping pain that a women apper just prior of menstruation called dysmenorrhea 
    • Mittelschmerz pain :-if ovary pain occur during regular ovulation than known as mittelschmerz pain which comes from German words for pain and middle. This type of ovary pain  uncomfortable but harmless. Other name of mittelschmerz pain includes mid cycle pain, ovulation pain. 
    • Endrometriosis :- Endrometriosis is  a condition, where endometrial tissue is found outside the uterus and cause ovary pain. 
    • Ovarian cyst :- Ovary pain also occur due to ovarian cyst, A solid or fluid filled sac within the ovary. 

    Hormones of ovary :-

    • Estrogen and progesterone  their are two hormones which is secreted from ovary, these hormones play a important role in menstruation and trigger by hypothalamus
    • Estrogen refers to a group of three hormone estradiol (which is male female hormone), estriol (which increased in pregnancy), estrone (main form of estrogen after menopause). 
    • Progesterone prepare the uterus for pregnancy by thickening the lining of uterus.

    Do you need ovary to get pregnancy :-

    • Yes you need ovary to get pregnancy because fertilization is necessary for getting pregnancy which is occur by fusion of sperm and ovum. Sperm you get from male but ovum is recieves by ovary from ovulation process. So if you not have your both ovary than is not possible to releases an ovum by ovulation process which a part of process of getting pregnancy. 

    Can a baby be in ovary :-

    • A baby can be in a ovary. This type of pregnancy  refers to ectopic pregnancy which means egg cell not released by ovary and fertilization occur within the ovary and pregnancy occur outside the uterus in ovary. so it is possible that a baby can be in ovary

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