What is Temperature

Body temperature is defined as the degree of heat maintain by the body, it is balance between heat production and heat loss in the body.

Normal body temperature = 98.6°F/37°c

    Types of temperature

    1)core temperature =core temperature is the temperature of the body's internal organs. A normal body temperature range between 36.5-37.4°c 

                 Ex.= -Pelvic cavity 


    2) Surface temperature =skin temperature is the temperature of the outermost surface of the body.normal human skin temperature on the trunk of body varies between 33.5-36.9°c (92.3-98.4°F) .

    Terminology use for the temperature

    Thermogenesis = Heat production.

    Thermolysis = Heat loss.

    Pyrexia = Fever or pyrexia is defined as a rise in the body temperature above 99°F or 37.2°c . 

    Way of heat production in body

    1) oxidation of food = During metabolism of food (protein, carbohydrates,fat) produced heat.

    1gm carbohydrate = 4kcal. Heat Produced.

    1gm fat = 9kcal. Heat produced. 

    1gm protein = 4kcal. Heat produced.

    2) Specific Dynamic affect of food

    It is stimulating effect of food on basal metabolism.

               Protein = 30% 

               Fat = 4% 

               Carbohydrate = 6% 

               Mix diet = 12%

    3) Strong emotions 

    Anxiety , nervousness etc stimulate the autonomic nerve system and heat is produce in body .

    4) Hormonal affects 

    Increase activities of thyroid gland , adrenal gland arise the body temperature.

    5) Environmental condition

    Environmental temperature increase than body temperature also increase.

    6) Disease condition 

    It is the protective action of body against bacteria . The degree of temperature depend the severity of infection and fever or pyrexia .

    Way of heat loss in body

    1) Through skin:- 

    by the 4 way skin loss the heat 

          a) conduction = Heat loss by the hot surface to cold surface.

         b) convection = Heat circulating by air and liquid depend upon air movement.

        c) Evaporation = liquid state changed into vapour.

            Ex. Sweating 

        d) Radiation = Not directly connected by one object to another object.

    2) Through lungs:-

    The temperature of air which is taken to the lungs is decreased of body temperature .

    Inspiration , warmed air absorbed by lungs tissue . And expiration , exhale the cold air.

    3) through kidney:- 

    kidney excreted warm urine.

    4) Through bowel:-

    Defection decrease the temperature by passed warm stool.

    Normal body temperature 

    • Oral temp. = 98.6°F or 37°c 

    • Rectal temp. = 99.6°F or 37.5°c 

    • Axillary temp. = 97.6°F or 36.4°c

     Factor effecting of body temperature 

    1) Age:- 

    Infant - gradually body temperature is decreased because immature thermoregulatory center.

    Old age - (above 65-75yrs) High risk of hypothermia due to the less activity, loss of subcutaneous fat , inadequate diet.

    2) Diurnal variation/ circadian rhythm

    morning - Decreased body temperature due to less activity.  
    Evening - increase body temperature due to activity and food intake. 

    3) Exercise:-

    Heavy exercise increase the body temperature 38.6°- 39.6°c or 101°F - 104°F.

    4) Hormone:-

    Thyroid gland and ovarian gland increase the body temperature. 

    5) stree:-

    Stimulate sympathetic nerve system and increase metabolism. 

    6) Environment:-

    Hot , cold , and bath increase the temperature of the body. 

    7) sleep:-

    Less activity decrease metabolism and decrease temperature of body. 

    8) Fasting:-

    Less food consumption decrease the metabolism and body temperature.

    Types of thermameter

    1) clinical thermameter

    2) Electronic thermameter 

    3) Tympanic membrane thermameter

    Formula for the converting degree

    1) forenheit to celcius =  (F -32)×5/9

    2) celcius to forenheit = c×9/5+ 32

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