The secretion of salivary glands is called saliva.
  • It help in keeping the mouth moist and provide a protective and lubricant coat of mucus.

Types of salivary glands :- 

There are three major type of of salivary glands These are ':-

        A. Parotid gland
        B. Submandibular gland 
        C. Sublingual gland.

A. Parotid gland
  • Parotid gland are paired.
  • They are largest salivary gland.
  • The wait of each parotid gland is 20 to 30 gram.
  • It is situated inferior and anterior to the auricle (pinna).
  • The secretion of these glands comes into oral cavity by parotid duct.
  • The parotid duct is 5 cm or 40 mm long and open at upper second molar teeth.

B. Submandibular gland 

  • It is J- shaped salivary gland.
  • It is situated beneath the base of tongue.
  • It's wait is 8-10 gm 
  • It is open at side of frenulum of tongue by submandibular duct.

C. Sublingual gland

  • It is your smallest salivary gland.
  • Its weight is about 2 to 3 gram
  • It is situated in the mucosa of floor of mouth.
  • It opens their secretions by sublingual duct into the floor of mouth.


  • The amount of saliva secreted age 1500 ml/day.
  • The rate of secretion is about 1 ml/minute.
  • Excessive secretion of saliva is called ptylism.

Composition of saliva

Saliva contains 99.5% water and 0.5% solids

The solid includes organic and inorganic constitutes.

The organic constitutes are:- 

1. Ptylism or salivary amylase:-

It converts the starch into disaccharide (maltose).

2. Lingual lipage:-

It is responsible for digestion of milk fat.

3. Mucin:- 

It helps in lubrication of saliva.

4. Immunoglobulin A lysozyme.

Inorganic constitutes are:-


Ph of saliva is :- 6.35 - 6.85

Saliva makes a bolus of food by chewing or mixing.

I hope you all like our article on salivary gland. Please watch above video to understand fully about salivary gland.

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