Vital signs monitor 

 Introduction of vital signs

These signs give information foe health in the diagnosis of disease and result of treatment , medication and nursing care .

Basic components is the assessment , help of physiological and psychological healthy of client.

Vital signs also known as cardinal signs or sign of life.

Vital signs are measurements of the body's most basic function/ component.

    Type of vital signs

      1) Body temperature (98.6°F - 37°c).

     2) pluses(72/min).

     3) Respiration(16/min).

     4) Blood pressure(120/80mm of hg)

     5) Routine condition - pain.

         Emergency condition - pupillary reflexes.

    Sequence of vital signs

    In adults :- 1) Temperature 

                         2) pulses

                         3) Respiration

                         4) Blood pressure

    In children/ new born / infant :- 

                        1) Respiration

                        2) pulses 

                        3) Temperature 

                        4) Blood pressure

    At birth time :- 1) pulse.

                                2) Temperature 

                                3) Respiration

    In emergency condition :- 

                              1) pulse 

                              2) Respiration

                              3) Blood pressure 

                              4) Temperature 

    Purpose of vital signs

    1) Assess life threating condition and nursing interventions / planning.

    2) Detect changes health status of client.

    3) they provide crucial information about vital organs.

    4) checking vital signs is an important skill to learn, because it tells us how the person's body is functioning , helping us to monitor current condition and alerting us to changes in health status.

    Reason to take vital signs

    1) Finding and provide of by vital organs to detect any slightly deviation for normal body functions.

    2) Detect any improvement ,repression by help of observation of vital signs.

    3) significant variation :- 

         a) Insufficient consumption of O2.

         b) Electrolyte imbalance 

         c) Bacterial investigation 

    4) provide information :- Any alterations in body .

    - Diagnosis of disease .

    - Treatment / interventions of disease .

    Vital organs 

                               -  Lungs

                               - heart 

                               - Respiration 

                               - spleen

                               - Brain 

                               - kidney .

    Equipments for take vital signs

                             - sphygmomanometer

                             - Thermometer

                             - Stethoscope

                             - pulse oximeter

                             - Nebulizer

    Range of vital signs

    Age.         Respiration.       Pulse.        B.p


    Neonate.        30 -50     80-180       60/30

                             / Min.        / Min.     mmHg.

    Infant         20 - 40       80-160.      96-60 

                          / Min.          /Min.       mmHg.

    Toddler.     20 - 40       80-150         98-64

                          / Min.           /Min.      mmHg.

    School.        16-24         75-110       106-68

    Aged-child.     / Min.       / Min.      mmHg.

    Adolescent.  12-20        50- 100       114-74

                            / Min.          /Min.     mmHg.

    Temperature taking sites 

    Site.                       Normal range 

    Rectal                              97.6- 99.6°F /

                                                36.5 - 37.5°c

    Axillary.                         98.6-100.6°F /

                                                  37- 38.1° c 

    Tympanic.                      98.6°F/ 37°c


    Temporal                        99.6°F /37.5°c

    Artery.                               98.6 °F/ 37.5°c

    I hope you all like our article on introduction of vital signs, purpose of vital signs and much more.Please watch the video on vital signs to better understand about this topic. If you have any query related to this topic then please comment.

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