Introduction of digestive system 

The purpose of digestion is changed the food substances by mechanical and chemical action tu simple forms and utilise bye various tissues and body.

    Process of digestion:-

    The process of digestion is it take place in alimentary canal.

    Is assisted by some accessory organs like salivary glands, liver and pancreas.

    Food is processed within the body in 5 steps:-...

    1. Ingestion 
    2. Propulsion
    3. Digestion
    4. Absorption
    5. Excretion/elimination.

    A. Ingestion:-

    It means taking of food and chewing are functions which performs by mouth and teeth.

    B.  Propulsion:-

    It means forward movement by the help of peristalsis movement.

    C. Digestion:-

    Digestion occur in the stomach and upper part of small intestine.


    Absorption occurs manly by the small intestine (ileum).

    E. Excretion:-/Elimination:-

    Large intestine absorb major quantity of water and the waste materials are excrete in the the form of feces.

    Parts of the Digestive system:-

    1. Mouth or oral cavity 


    A. Nasopharynx.

      B. Oropharynx.

      C. Laryngopharynx.

    3. Oesophagus.

    4. Stomuch.

    5.  Small intestine:- 

    A. Duodenum.

    B. Jejunum.

    C. Ileum.

    6. Large intestine.:-

    A. Cecum. 

    B. Appendix.

    C. Ascending colon.

    D. Transverse colon.

    E.  Descending colon.

    F. Sigmoid colon. 

    7.  Rectum. 

    8.  Anal canal.

    1. Mouth/Oral cavity:-

    Mouth or oral cavity is the first part of digestive system.

    The space between gums and chicks is called vestibule and remaining oral cavity e is called mouth proper.

    • The vestibule is lined by bye mucous membrane
    • The roof of mouth is formed by palates
    • The entirior part of palate is called hard palate and posterior part of palate is called soft palate.

    A. Lips:-

    • Lips are fleshly folds
    • They are lined by skin and entirely by mucous membrane.

    B. Cheeks:-

    Chicks are composed of skin parotid duct,vessels,Nerves,and mucous membrane.

    They formes large part of face.

    C. Gums:-

    Gums are soft tissue.
    Surrounded the neck of teeth.
    They are lined by stratified squamous epithelium tissue. 

    D. Teeth:-

    Teeths  are the fixed in the jaws. 
    Each individual has two sets of teeth they are :-.....

    1. Primary teeth /milk teeth
    2. Secondary teeth /permanent teeth.

    a. Primary teeths:-

    It is also known as temporary teeth.
    The primary teeth are 20 (twenty) in numbers.
    • It starts to erupt at 6th month of age And completed at twenty four (24)month. 
    • It lost between 6 year to 12 year.

    Formula of primary teeth :-

    Molar Primular. Canin. Incisor
        2.          0.               1.          2.  

    b. Secondary teeth:-

    It start to erupt in 6 year of age.
    They are 32 in numbers.

    Formula of secondary teeth :-
    1. Molar-3
    2. Premolar-2
    3. Canine-1
    4. Incisor- 2
    Incisor and canine teeth are cutting teeth and premolar and molar teeth are called chewing teeth / crushing teeth.

     structure of teeth :-

    A teeth Has three parts
    These are:-
    1. Crown
    2. Neck
    3. Root


    The visible part of teeth is called crown.

    2. Neck:- 

    • It is constructed junction between crown root near the gum.
    • The teeth are composed of dentin
    • The dentine tissue encloses a cavity within crown called pulp cavity /tooth cavity.
    • The pulp cavity contains connective tissue,blood vessels, nerves
    • The crown part of the Teeth is covered by a hardest substances of body,called Enamel.
    • The function of Enamel Is to protect the dentine by acid that produced by bacteria the root part of teeth is covered b a thin layer of tissue Called Cementum.


    Embedded portion of teeth in gums is called root.

    I hope you all like our article on introduction of digestive system, process of digestion, parts of digestive system.  Please watch above video to better understand about digestive system. If you have any query related to this topic than please comment. 

    Thank you.