What is Admission and discharge ?? ONI

What is admission and discharge
admission and discharge

    What is Admission

     Definition of admission :-

    Admission defined as allowing a patient to stay in hospital for observation , investigation , treatment and care .

    Purpose of admission :- 

    To recieve the patient in the ward for admission according to his condition .

    To provide comfortable and safety .

    To provide immediate care .

    To obtain complete information about the client .

    To establish nurse patient relationship .

    Principle of admission :-

    Sudden change or strangeness in the environment produce fear and anxiety.

    Entering the hospital is a treat to one's personal identity .

    People have diversity of habitat and behaviour 

    Illness can be traumatic experience for the patient and bring stress and physical and mental health .

    General instructions 

    To receive the patient and help him to adjust hospital environment .

    To welcome and establish a positive relationship with patient and relatives .

    To obtain needed identify data concerning the patient .

    To provide immediate care safety and comfortable .

    To collaborate patients with planning and provide comprehensive care .

    To observe sign and symptom for checking general condition.

    Types of admission :- 

    1) Emergency admission 

    In this patient are admission in acute condition , requiring immediate care .

    Eg :- Accident , Burn etc .

    2) routine admission 

    In this patient are admitted for investigation medical or surgical treatment .

    Treatment is given according to patients problem.

    Eg :- Hypertension , diabetes mellitus , hernia etc .

    What is Discharge

    Discharge :- 

    It is have of patients from the hospital after the course of treatment of disease.

    Type of discharge :- 

    1) cured = cured and discharge when the treatment of patient is over from the hospital .

    2) lAMA (leave against medical advice) 

    Due to any personal reason of patients and relatives .

    3) DOR ( discharge on request ) .

    4) Absconded :- patients leave hospital without any information .

    General principles 

    Patient and family understand the diagnosis anticipated level functioning , discharge medication and anticipated medical follow up.

    specialized instructions is provide to the patient and family to ensure that proper care after discharge will be provided to the patient .

    community support system are co- ordinated to enable the patient to return home .

    I hope you like this article on what is admission and discharge if you have any query about admission and discharge topic please comment on comment box because online nursing Institute is ready to always helping their students

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