Coronavirus & COVID-19 complete detail || ONI

What are coronavirus & COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease is a infectious and communicable disease that is caused by a large family of viruses (severe acute respiratory syndrome cornoavirus 2 , SARS -CoV-2 ) called coronavirus and it is found in both animals (such as pigs, camels, bate and cats) and humans

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 ) is a worldwide pandemic disease that is first found in 31 December 2019 , Wuhan, china. The pathogens of coronavirus can spread from person to person by droplets 

    Coronavirus are named for the crown like spikes on their surface. 

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Diagram
    Covid-19 diagram

    Types of coronavirus & COVID-19

    Seven different types of coronavirus are found in people these are. 
    1. 229E (alpha coronavirus) 
    2. NL63 (alpha coronavirus) 
    3. OC43 (beta coronavirus) 
    4. HKU1 (beta coronavirus) 
    5. MERS-CoV  (middle East respiratory syndrome first identify in Arabian Peninsula, 2012 . It is usually spread through closed contact with person. ) 
    6. SARS-CoV-1  (sever acute respiratory syndrome first identify in China (2003) that caused 8098 known cases of disease and 774 deaths. The mortality rate was much higher for those over 60years old, with mortality rates approaching 50% for this subset of patient.) 
    7. SARS-CoV-2  (it is very similar to SARS-CoV-1 and also known as COVID-19 that is a worldwide pandemic disease) 

    Why is it called COVID-19

    WHO announced "COVID-19" as the name of this new disease on 11 February 2020 means coronavirus disease 2019 because the first case of this disease is identify in 2019 .

    What is the meaning of COVID-19

    According to WHO in the word COVID, 'CO' means stands for corona , 'VI' means stands for virus and 'D' for disease. 

    When was COVID-19 first identify

    COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) first identify in Wuhan city, china on 31 December 2019 and was temporarily named "2019-nCoV".

    At that time told that there were cases of pneumonia found in Wuhan city china with unknown cause but it officially announced by Chinese authorities on 7 january 2020 as a new disease (covid-19 disease). 

    Why is it called coronavirus

    The WHO (World Health Organization) and International Committee on Taxonomy of viruses annouced this name on 11 February 2020 in partnership because the genetic structure of this virus is similar to coronavirus responsible for SARS-CoV-1 (2003). 

    How does COVID-19 can spread

    Coronavirus spread through droplets and aerosols that enter into human body by nose ,mouth and eye when the two and more person have close contact in 1 meter range

    What is the incubation period of coronavirus & COVID-19

    The incubation period of coronavirus are suggested 1 to 14 days according to current evidence

    What is community spread

    When a group of people gets infected with the disease without coming in contact with a person infected with a contagious disease and without traveling to the place where the disease is actually spreading, it is called community spread.

    Coronavirus & COVID-19 risk factors

    There are some risk factors that is responsible for causing coronavirus (COVID-19) disease. 

    • Week immune system (mostly) 
    • Not using face mask 
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Cystic fibrosis
    • Obesity
    • Alzheimer's disease
    • Sickel cell anemia
    • Asthma
    • COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 
    • Bone marrow transplant (Due to week immune system) 
    • Diabetes
    • Heart failure
    • Cancer treatment (Due to week immune system) 
    • Liver disease
    • Pulmonary disease
    • Coronary artery disease
    • High blood pressure
    • Organ transplant (Due to week immune system) 
    • Taking steroids and immunosuppression drug for long time
    • HIV/AIDS (Due to week immune system) 
    • Older Age
    • Smoking
    • Multi system inflammatory syndrome 
    • Pregnancy
    • Thalessemia
    • Cardiomyopathy
    • Splenectomy
    • Dementia
    • Parkinson's disease

    Symptoms of coronavirus & COVID-19

    If you get coronavirus you feel some symptoms in the period of 5-7 days or 14 days such as
    Most common symptoms
    • Dry cough
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Fever
    • Tiredness
    • Nausea and vomiting

    Less common symptoms
    • Headache
    • Ache & pain
    • Shaking with chills
    • Diarrhoea
    • Sore throat
    • Discoloration of finger or toes
    • Conjuctivitis (Pink eyes) 
    • Rash
    • Loss of taste & smell

    Serious symptoms
    • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
    • Bluish lips or face
    • Chain pain or pressure
    • Loss of speech
    • Sudden confusion
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
    • excessive drowsiness

    It is not necessary that you get these symptoms because different cases reported different symptoms in different people

    How to diagnose coronavirus & COVID-19

    Your doctor diagnose coronavirus on the basis of your symptoms like
    • Cough
    • Fever above 100°C
    • Shortness of breath

    There are some test used to detect COVID-19

    Swab test :- swab test is done by inserting a swab (like long Q-tip) into your nose to get a sample from back of your nose and throat to detect virus in upper respiratory tract. 

    Antibody test :- this test is used to detect past infection. 

    RT-PCR test :- The full form of RT-PCR is reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction. It is a laboratory method that use an enzyme for directly detect virus. It is most commonly used in India for the test of COVID-19.

    Coronavirus treatment

    There is no known care at this time.  Scientists are trying to make a drug that is effective for the treatment of coronavirus and some research shows that many drugs are helpful in recovering from COVID-19.  At this time your doctor provides you with symptomatic treatment and focuses on alleviating the symptoms of the patient

    Currently, the FDA has approved only one antiviral drug remdesivir under the age of 12 year. 

    Antiinflammatory drugs like baricitinib provide to patients to reduce inflammation. It also has antiviral activity. 

    Provide cough syrup and medication. 

    Pain reliever like ibuprofen. 

    Provide O2 therapy for shortness of breath. 

    Coronavirus prevention

    The prevention is best way to protect self and other from coronavirus there are some points that's need to remember you in your mind

    • If you feel symptoms like fever, cough, sneezing that earlier self quarantine and protect spreading to others. 
    • Wear a facemask. 
    • Clean your hands by using soap and water or an alcohol-based  hand rub
    • Maintaining safe distance of 1 meter from anyone who have cough or sneeze. 
    • Don't touch your eyes, nose and mouth. 
    • Avoid large gatherings. 
    • Clean & disinfects surface like door handles, furniture, mobile, toys, countertops and laptops. 
    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
    • Avoid crowds and indoor places that have poor ventilation. 
    • Stay home when you are sick. 
    • Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, towels, bedding and other household items if you're sick. 
    • Clean frequently touched objects and surfaces regularly. 
    • Avoid eating and drinking in public places. 
    • Avoid traveling if not necessary. 
    • Stop shaking hands and hugging people. 

    What is the recovery rate of coronavirus

    According to current case reports the recovery rate is between 97% to 99.75%  But it is not necessary that you may get the same result that may result in different recovery rate due to different variants coming over time.

    Can a face mask protect you from infection

    A face mask protect transmission of droplets that is responsible for spreding an infection from one person to another person so if you wear a face mask correctly it prevent transmission of your droplets when you coughing and sneezing and protect the person who making you close contact. 

    But only face mask is not able to stop transmission of virus mostly in the situation of community spreading so you need to follow the precautions that is given above to protect transmission of virus.

    Some others questions related to coronavirus (COVID-19) 

    What to do if you think you have it? 

    If you think you have coronavirus than it is necessary to take immediate action and meet to your doctor. Your doctor will assess you first according to your sign and symptoms. If your doctor tell that you have it than follow the instruction and take medicine suggest by your doctor. 

    Can you get the coronavirus twice 

    Yes some reasearch results shows you can get coronavirus twice if you not follow the guidelines after treating coronavirus because the main risk factor of coronavirus is weak immune system. Reasearch shows after getting and treating coronavirus your body get antibodies against coronavirus but in some cases if you not get antibodies after infected than You can have risk to get coronavirus against. 

    Does COVID-19 cause death

    No it is not necessary that COVID-19 cause death. It lead to death if you are having another sever disease like diabetes, lung disease and older age people because he have weak immune system but if you not have any another serious disease you recover from COVID-19 by following instructions and taking medicines. 

    Are antibiotics affective in preventing or treating COVID-19

    According to reasearch, coronavirus are caused by virus and antibiotics are only has effect on bacterial infection so the antibiotics is not effective against coronavirus but it can be used to prevent and treating secondary bacterial infection

    I hope you like this article on Coronavirus & COVID-19 complete information.if you have any query about admission and discharge topic please comment on comment box because online nursing Institute is ready to always helping their students

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