What is the medical surgical asepsis ?? ONI

Medical surgical asepsis
Medical surgical asepsis

What is the Medical surgical asepsis 

Surgical asepsis is the absence of all micro organisms within any type of invasive procedures . Sterile techniques is a set of specific practice and procedures performed to make equipment and areas free from all micro organisms and maintain that sterility .

Asepsis = Free from infection 

    Some terminology 

    Disinfection :- Free from micro organisms without killing spore .

    Disinfectant :- These are the chemical which are used to disinfect the things.

    Sterilization :- It is define as killing of micro organisms with killing spore .

    Bacteriostatic :- Inhibition of growth of bacteria .

    Bacteriocidal :- killing of bacterias 

    Some methods of medical and surgical asepsis 

    1) physical method 

    2) chemical method 

    3) Radiation method 

    4) Hot air oven method 

    5) Autoclave method 

    6) Gas sterilization method 

    1) physical method :-

    In this method , disinfectant by the sunlight and boiling etc .

    Sunlight - it is cheapest method .

    Ex = matters , linen .

    Boiling = temp. - 100°c 

                     Time - 10-15 min./15-20 min.

    Not disinfect the sharp instruments.

    2) Chemical method :- 

    Chemical use for the disinfect the equipment .

    Lysol - 1:40 

    Uses - thermameter 

    Savlon - 1:20 

    Uses - thermameter 

    betadine  - in O.T. = 7.5-10% 

    In surgical wound = 6.5-8 % 

    Mouth wash = 2.5- 5% 

    Sodium hypochlorite = use to disinfect the HIV patient's artical .

    Spirit = (70% isopropyl ) most frequently disinfection method (2-3sec) 

    Potassium permanganate = bladder irrigation (1:10000) 

    Mouth wash (1: 5000) 

    3) Radiation method :- Gama (UV ray) 

    Use to disinfect the syringes and catheters 

    4) Hot air oven :-

    Hot air oven are electrical device which use dry heat to sterile .

    Temperature - 160°c 

    Time - 15- 20 min.

    5) Autoclave method :-

    Most common and effective method .

    Temperature - 121°c 

    Time - at least 30 min.

    Pressure - 15 lbs 

    6) Gas sterilization :- 

    Formaline gas (250ml) 


    #PPE ( personal protective equipment ) 

    Most common and important aspect of cross infection in the hospital is hand washing .

    Medical hand washing = 3-5 min. 

    Surgical hand washing = 10 min.


    BMW ( biomedical waste ) 

    Red :- discard the plastic items 

    Blue :- glasses 

    Yellow :- body fluids items 

    Black :- general waste 

    White :- sharp instruments .

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