What is the blood pressure | ONI

What is blood pressure
What is blood pressure

    Blood pressure

    Blood pressure is exerted by the blood against the wall of blood vessels as it lows trough them.

    Systolic blood pressure

    Systolic blood pressure is the highest degree of pressure Exerted by the blood against the walls of blood vessels during the ventricular systol when the left ventricle is forcing the blood into aorta.

    Diastolic blood pressure

    It is the lowest pressure that occour when the heart is in resting period just befor the contraction of the left ventricle.

    Pulse pressure 

    It is the defference between the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

    It is represent the volume out put of left ventricle.

    Normal adult blood pressure = 120/80mmhg

    Measuring unit = mmHg 

     Instruments = sphygmomanometer 

    Normal blood pressure sound = korar koff sound

    Blood regulation center = medulla oblongata.

    Normal ratio of systolic , diastolic , pulse pressure = 3:2:1 

    Mean arterial blood pressure

    Diastolic +1/3(pulse pressure ) = MABP 

    Some variation in blood pressure 

    Normal b.p = 120/80mmhg

    Peripheral tension = 120-139/80-89

    Hypertension = 140/90 or more 

    Hypertension crisis= 200/110 mmHg 

    Shock = systolic BP below 90 mmHg 

    Factor effecting blood pressure 

    1)Age = children have less blood pressure then the old age person.

    2) sex = Befor puberty boy and girl have same blood pressure but after puberty male have High blood pressure then the female .

    3) body build = Higher in over weight person of same age group.

    4) Time of the day = 

            Night < morning < evening 

    5) Exercise = Muscular exercise will rise the BP.

    6) pain = sever pain may couse temporary increase in blood pressure.

    7) Emotion = Fear, excitement, anxiety. 

    8) posture = standing < sitting < lying 

    9) Drugs = some drugs decrease blood pressure like Antihypertension .

    And some drugs increase blood pressure like dopamine.

    10) Hemorrhage 

    11) Disease condition = hypothyroidism

    Side for taking blood pressure

    Mid arm measuring cuff size= brachial artery.

    Mid thigh measuring cuff size = poplitial artery

    Mid tibial measuring cuff size = Dorsalpedalis artery.

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