Antihypertensive drugs || Classification || ONI

Antihypertensive drugs classification

What is the introduction of Antihypertensive drugs

Antihypertensive are a class drug that are used to treat hypertension.

These drugs act by reducing the cardiac output or reducing the total peripheral resistance.

Hypertension :- A persistence elevation of blood pressure is more than 140/90 mmHg is called hypertension.

Hypertension is a disorder characterized by pressure on blood vessels wall increase more than 140mmHg systolic and more than 90mmHg diastolic. 

    What is the Definition of Antihypertensive drugs 

    The drugs use in the treatment of hypertension, are called antihypertensive Drug.

    Classification / list of hypertensive drug

    (1) Diuretics :-

    (A) Thiazides                         
    • Hydrochlorothiazide                  
    • Chlorthalidone                            
    • Indapamide                                  
    (B)High ceiling
    • Furosemide
    • Bumetanide
    (C) k+ Sparing               
    • Spironolactone
    • Amiloride

    Mnemonics (Trick) :-  HCI - F - SA

    (2) ACE Inhibitors :-                         

    • Captopril 
    • Enalapril
    • Lisinopril
    • Perindopril
    • Ramipril
    • Fosinopril

    Mnemonics (Trick) :- RAM KI LEP CF HE

    (3) Angiotensin ( AT¹ , receptor) Blockers :-

    • Losartan
    • Candesartan
    • Irbesartan
    • Valsartan         
    • Telmisartan

    Mnemonics (Trick) :- I LV CT

    (4) Calcium channel blockers :-

    • Verapamil
    • Diltiazem
    • Nifedipine
    • Felodipine
    • Amlodipine
    • Nitrendipine
    • Lacidipine

    Mnemonics (Trick) :- NO FULL AND OF LV

    (5) Î² Adrenergic blockers :-

    • Propranolol
    • Metoprolol
    • Atenolol

    Mnemonics (Trick) :- MAP

    (6) Î² + Î± Adrenergic blockers :-

    • Labetalol
    • Carvedilol

    (7) Î±¹ Adrenergic blockers :-

    • Prazosin
    • Terazosin
    • Doxazosin
    • Phentolamine
    • Phenoxybenzamine

    (8) Central sympatholytics :-

    • Clonidine
    • Methyldopa        

    (9) Vasodilator :-

    (A) Arteriolar 
    • Hydralazine
    • Minoxidil
    • Diazoxide

    Mnemonics (Trick) :- HY MINOXI DI

    (B) Arteriolar+venous 
    • Sodium nitroprusside

    (1) Diuretics :- 

    Diuretics are the drugs which increases the rate and volume of the urine formation. 

    These drugs mainly act on nephron and increase excretion of excessive fluid. 

    Uses of diuretics

    • Edema
    • Hypertension
    • Drug poisoning
    • Liver cirrhosis
    • Kidney disease

    Advantage of diuretics

    • Hyperkalemia
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • Hyperglycemia
    • Hyperuricemia
    • CNS disturbance
    • Allergic reaction
    • Gastrointestinal upset
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhoea

    (A) Thiazides :-

    The thiazides is a type of molecule and class of diuretics often used to treat hypertension and edema. 

    They act as decrease the rate of glomerular filtration by producing nagetive sodium balance. 

    Mechanism of action of Thiazides

    Thiazides act on the early distal tube of nephron and is a first line drug that use to treat hypertension. 

    This group of drugs block sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl) symporter systems in early distal tubule. 

    They also inhibit carbonic hydrase activity and increase bicarbonate loss. 

    Thiazides also enhance excretion of magnesium (mg+) and potassium (k+) but they inhibit urinary excretion of calcium and uric acid resulting in hypercalcemia and hyperuricemia. 

    Uses of Thiazides

    • Hypertension 
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Edema
    • Renal stone (By calcium excretion) 
    • Diabetes insipidus (By reduce plasma volume and GFR) 

    Adverse effects of Thiazides

    • Hypokalemia ( Hypokalemia is the most important side effect of thiazides) 
    • Metabolic alkalosis
    • Hypovolemia ( Due to excessive fluid loss) 
    • Hypotension
    • Dehydration (Due to increase urine out put) 
    • Hyponatremia (Due to decrease Na+ level) 
    • Hyperglycemia
    • Weakness
    • Fatigue

    (B) High Celling (loop) Diuretics :-

    Loop diuretics act on the ascending lymph of the loop of henle. 

    They are high effications as diuretics. 


    Frusemide is the most commonly used diuretics and sulfonamide derivative. 

    It can be taken by injection into vein and by mouth. 

    Frusemide effect is decrease with metolazone.

    Dose of frusemide
    • 2mg/kg body weight in children. 
    • 20 to 80 mg/day IV in adult. 

    Brand name of frusemide

    The brand name of frusemide is laxis that is available in both tablet and injection form. 

    Mechanism of action of frusemide

    Frusemide is a loop diuretics which reduce the absorption of electrolytes in the thick ascending limb of henle loop. 

    It is greatly increase the excretion of sodium and chloride in the urine. 

    Frusemide is a weak carbonic an hydrase inhibitor. It increase the excretion of bicarbonate and phosphate. 


    Frusemide is rapidly absorbed orally highly ,bound to plasma protein, metabolize in the liver and excreted by the kidney. 

    Plasma half time is 2 hours and duration of action is 4 - 6 hours. 

    Uses of High Celling (loop) Diuretics

    • Edema
    • Acute renal failure (loop diuretics enhance the urine out put and potassium excretion) 
    • Acute pulmonary edema
    • Cerebral edema
    • Hypertension
    • Acute hypercalcemia

    Adverse effects of loop Diuretics

    • Hypokalemia
    • Metabolic alkalosis
    • Hyponatremia
    • Hypovolemia
    • Hypotension
    • Hypocalcemia
    • Auto toxicity 
    • Hyperglycemia 
    • Hyperlipidemia

    (C) k+ sparing :-

    K+ sparing diuretics are medication that increase urination without the loss of k+.

    Mechanism of action of k+ sparing

    K+ sparing acts from interstitial side of the distal tube and collecting duct and combind with aldosterone receptor and inhibit the action of aldosterone. 

    It has no effect on Na+ and k+ transport in the absence of aldosterone while under circumstances, it increase Na+ excretion and decrease k+ excretion. 

    Uses of k+ sparing drugs

    • Edema
    • Hypertension
    • Congestive heart failure

    Adverse effect of k+ sparing drugs

    • Gynecomastia (enlarge breast tissue in mene or boys) 
    • Drowsiness
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • Skin rashes

    (2) ACE inhibitors :-

    ACE inhibitors is the class of antihypertensive drugs used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. 

    This group of drugs causes relaxation of blood vessels as well as decrease blood volume which lead to lower blood pressure. 

    Mechanism of action of ACE inhibitors

    This class of drugs inhibit the angiotensin  converting enzyme and prevent formation of ACE - 2.


    ACE inhibitors are generally well absorb and excrete from kidney. 

    The plasma half life of ACE inhibitors drugs is 2 hour. 

    Uses of ACE inhibitor

    • Hypertension
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Chronic renal failure

    Adverse effect of ACE inhibitor

    • Hypotension
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Skin rashes
    • Teratogenicity

    (3) Angiotensin blocker :-

    Angiotensin receptor blocker also known as angiotensin (AT1) receptor antagonists or sartans are a group of antihypertensive drugs. 

    Angiotensin receptor blocker are use for hypertension. 

    Mechanism of action of angiotensin blocker

    Angiotensin receptor blocker act by blocking angiotensin receptor which control physiological effect of angiotensin on blood pressure and water. 

    Uses of angiotensin receptor blocker

    • Diabetes
    • Myocardial infraction
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Hypertension

    Adverse effect of angiotensin receptor blocker

    • Hypotension
    • Hyperkalemia

    (4) Calsium channel blocker :-

    These are the another group of antihypertensive drugs. 

    It is a type of medication that people take to increase the flow of blood pressure and oxygen to the heart. 

    Calsium channel blocker also known as calsium antagonists. 

    Mechanism of action of calsium channel blocker

    Ca+ channel blocker block the entry of ca+ into muscle cells which lead to muscle relaxation and cause dilation of arteries and reduce blood   pressure. 

    Uses of calsium channel blocker

    • Case oh hypertension emergency
    • Also use in pregnancy induced hypertension
    • Also used in renal impairment
    • Heart arrhythmia
    • Cluster headache

    Adverse effect of calsium channel blocker

    • Headache
    • Flushing
    • Edema

    (5) β (beta) - blocker :-

    It is act on beta - 1 or beta - 2 andregenic receptor by blocking activity of receptor. 

    It cause membrane stabilization which leads to smooth muscle relaxation and muscle relaxation circulatory system. 

    Most appropriate type of beta blocker is beta - 2 receptor blocker because it is a selective beta - 1 blocker may act on respiratory system and cause complication. 

    Use of β (beta) - blocker 

    • Hypertension
    • Angio pectoris
    • Myocardial infraction
    • Tachycardia
    • Anxiety
    • Portal hypertension
    • Migrane

    Adverse effect of β (beta) - blocker 

    • Bradycardia
    • Congestive heart failure
    • Fatigue

    (6) α¹ (alpha) Adrenergic blockers :-

    Alpha receptor antagonist block them adrenergic response mediated through adrenergic receptor. 

    Mechanism of action of α¹ Adrenergic blockers

    It act on α¹ (alpha) Adrenergic receptor and blocked , result in decrease norepinephrine which leads to vasodilation and decrease blood pressure. 

    Uses of  α¹ (alpha) Adrenergic blocker

    • Hypertension
    • Pheochromocytoma
    • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
    • Raynaud syndrome

    Adverse effect of  α¹ (alpha) Adrenergic

    • Postural hypotension
    • Palpitation
    • Dizziness
    • Drowsiness
    • Fatigue
    • Weakness

    (7) Central sympatholytics :-

    Sympatholytics drugs may be used into interfere with sympathetic overactivity at different level including centrally at ganglia, neurons and receptor. 

    Mechanism of action of Central sympatholytics

    Antiadrenergic agents act on the vasomotor center. It stimulates the alpha - 2 adrenergic receptor and decrease sympathetic out flow results in fall in blood pressure and bradycardia. 

    Uses of Central sympatholytics

    • Hypertension
    • Opioid with drowaly alcohol withdrawal
    • Smoking cessation
    • Diabetic nephropathy

    Adverse effect of Central sympatholytics

    • Sedation
    • Distrub sleep
    • Bradycardia
    • Postural hypertension

    (7) Vasodilator :-

    Vasodilator release the vascular smooth muscle result in decrease blood pressure due to decrease peripheral vascular resistance. 


    It is a medication use to treat high blood pressure. 

    Hydralazine is called vasodilator. 

    It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood cam flow through the body more easily. 

    Mechanism of action of hydralazine

    This medication directly acting smooth muscle relaxant and act as a vasodilator. It cause decrease in blood pressure which associated with tachycardia. 


    It is may absorb orally and bioavalability is higher. 

    Uses of hydralazine

    • Angina pectoris
    • Myocardial infraction
    • Severe hypertension
    • Hypertension into pregnancy

    Adverse effect of hydralazine

    • Dizziness
    • Drowsiness
    • Edema
    • Flushing
    • Palpitation
    • Water retention


    Minoxidil is a medication use for the hypertension treatment and it is also use for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. 

    Mechanism of action of minoxidil

    It directly act on arterioles by opening k+ channel into smooth muscle causing hyperpolarization of the cell membranes. 

    Uses of minoxidil

    It is very potent vasodilator which use in hypertension when other drugs fails. 

    Adverse effect of minoxidil

    Same as hydralazine

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    What is the drug of choice for hypertension

    The drug of choice and best drug for hypertension is thiazides diuretics (reduce all morbidity and mortality rates in adults person with moderate to severe hypertension) and ACE inhibitors, calsium channel blocker. 

    See Also 

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