OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) || ONI

What is OCD
Obsessive compulsive disorder

Defination of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) 

OCD is a mental disorder characterized by unwanted thought, image are enter into the mind and cause anxiety. 

And person show repetitive behaviour and try out temporary relieve of anxiety. 

Obsession and compulsion can disturb normal activity or normal behavior. 

    What is OCD example? 

    When an obsession are entering into mind of patient like contamination than patient show an repetitive behavior of hand washing in every minutes or hour due to fear of germs 

    What is obsessive - compulsive - personality disorder? 

    When an obsession and compulsion leads to distrub personality traid called obsessive compulsive personality disorder.

    It is characterized by...... 
    •  individual has more dicipline
    •  he fill perfectness
    •  intensive fear of making distrubance. 

    What is obsession and compulsion  ? 

    Obsession :- 

    Obsession defined as the unwanted or repetitive thought enter into the mind that cause anxiety

    Compulsion :-

    A repetitive behavior done by patient to relieve from anxiety

    What is defference between obsession and compulsion  ? 

    Obsession Compulsion
    1. Obsession limited to the mind.  While compulsion involve actions. 
    2. Obsession are recurring and irrational ideas or images.  Compulsion are recurring and irrational acts or behavior. 
    3. Being obessed with something i.e constantly thinking about it.  Feeling compelled to do something like you have to do it. 
    4. Can lead to compulsion.  Are a result of obsession. 
    5. Can cause fear worry and deep anxiety.  Can even cause bodily damage . 
    Example :-
    Consistantly thinking about contamination and accident self and other. 
    Example :-
    Shaking leg, washing your hand every few minutes. 

    What are the types of OCD  and common obsession  ? 

    • Contamination
    • Thought related to symmetry and order
    • Accident other and self
    • Need for perfectness
    • Forbidden thought entering into adolescent as a time of sexual maturity, sexual identification during this time. 

    What are the common compulsion? 

    The compulsion are based on the obsession for example

    • Washing
    • Counting
    • Checking
    • Touching
    • Arranging
    • Holding

    What are the 4 stage of OCD? 

    The four step of OCD are following
    1. Relabel
    2. Reattribute
    3. Refocus
    4. Revalue

    What are the caused and risk factors of OCD? 

    Family history :- if your parents and any family members was previously having OCD then it is a risk for you having OCD . 

    Age :- OCD is more common in early childhood and late in 40 age 

    Other mental health disorder :- if you any other mental health disorder like anxiety disorder, personality disorder then it lead to OCD. 

    Gender :- OCD is more common in men than women. 

    Biochemical factor :- Decrease the serotonin and noradrenaline can lead to OCD. 

    Pregnancy and postpartum period :- Any changes in hormone during pregnancy can cause OCD. 

    Stressful life event :- if you face any traumatic and stressful event in your life it can lead to obsession . 

    Drug uses :- Substance use cause chemical changes in brain and lead to OCD. 

    Brain damage :- Due to the change in brain structure and function develope OCD. 

    Social and psychological factor :- Poverty , alcoholism, marriage problem, strained IPR at home, abnormal parents child relationship responsible for causing OCD. 

    What are the symptoms of OCD? 

    • Unwanted or repetitive thought
    • Repetitive abnormal behavior
    • Impaired communication
    • Action are not complete
    • Failure in daily activity
    • Seen the variety of image 
    • Show the confusion
    • Distrub social and personal life

    How is OCD diagnosed  ? 

    Your doctor will identify OCD by blood test and X-ray and also observing your symptoms. 

    How is treated  ? 

    There is no known cure for OCD but following treatment are used to relieve the symptoms of OCD .......... 

    • Provide the behavior therapy
    • Flooding
    • Reinforcement
    • Self control or self monitering
    • Identify the obsession and compulsion
    • Allow the time for behavior
    • Encourage the verbal responce regarding behavior 
    • Administer antianxiety drugs

    Nursing diagnosis of OCD

    1. Altered physical function related to repetitive behavior. 
    2. Social isolation related to anxiety and obsession or compulsion. 
    3. Ineffective utilization of coping mechanism due to obsession and compulsion behavior. 
    4. Impaired verbal communication related to obsession and compulsion behavior. 
    5. Sleep distrubance related to repetitive behavior like washing, checking, arranging. 
    6. Self care deficit related to OCD symptoms.

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    I hope you like this article on OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).if you have any query about OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) topic please comment on comment box because online nursing Institute is ready to always helping their students

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