What is cell? Introduction of cell

Introduction of cell :-
  • Cell is the smallest functional unit of the body.
  • The term cell is first used by ROBERT HOOK (1665) .
  • The study of cell Is called cytology .

    Structure of the cell:- 

    The cell cell consist of :-

    1.plasma membrane 
    2.nucleus and it’s chromosomes
    3 cytoplasm and it’s organelles

    1.A cell membrane :- 

    • It is also known as plasma membrane.
    • The cell membrane aur consists of protein, phospholipids and also carbohydrate.

    Functions of the cell membrane:- 

    • It is selectively permeable with allows the passage of the important molecules across the membrane.
    • It forms a compartment within the cell .
    • It generates bioelectrical in pulses
    • It provides surface for the attachment of the enzymes, hormones and chemical agents.

    Synthesis of the cell membrane :-

    It is synthesized by the endoplasmic reticulum.with help of golgi apparatus.

    2.Nucleus and it’s chromosomes:-

    Nucleus :-

    nucleuss is spherical/oval shaped single structure within the cell that contains the genetic material (chromosomes).

    The nucleus contains:-
    . DNA, Nucleoproteins,and some RNA


    The chromosome carries the genetic material with responsible for heredity characteristics.
    Chromosomes are made up of segment of DNA.
    Chromosomes are 46 in number, in which 44 chromosomes are called autosomes and two chromosomes are called sex chromosomes.

    3. Cytoplasm and its organelles:-

    Cytoplasm is consists of mainly water (70%), organic and inorganic molecules and different organelles.
    1. Endoplasmic reticulum
    2. Ribosomes
    3. Mitochondria
    4. Lysosomes
    5. Centrioles
    6. Golgi apparatus (golgi complex)

    1. Endoplasmic reticulum:-

    The endoplasmic reticulum is consist of of an interconnecting network of membrane tubules vesicles and flattened sacs.
    It divided the cytoplasm into baculoplasma (inner side) and cytosol(outer side).

    Types of endoplasmic reticulum:-

    Rough endoplasmic reticulum (R.E.R.)
    Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (S.E.R.)

    1.Rough endoplasmic reticulum:-

    It is filled with the ribosomes and Cell synthesis protein

    2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum:-

    •It contains lake ribosome
    •It is concerned with synthesis of lipids, steroids, cholesterol, and carbohydrate.
    •It acts as a surface for attachment of many enzyme and also helped in the detoxification of the drugs alcohol.

    2. Ribosomes:-

    • The ribosomes are made up of the protein and RNA
    • Each ribosome is consists of a large unit 60s And a small unit 40s
    • Function of ribosome is synthesis of protein.
    • Ribosome are found the outer surface of the nuclear envelope and rough surface of endoplasmic reticulum.


    Mitochondria are membrane bound organelles.
    It is also known as powerhouse of cell.

    Each mitochondria is consist of two layers of membrane:-
    Outer membrane
    Inner membrane

    1.Outer membrane:-

    • It is a smooth membrane.
    • It is contain many pores and allow free passes of molecules

    2. Inner membrane:-

    • It occurs as fold.
    • These faults are filled by matrix and help in metabolic activities of cell
    • The Matrix contain enzymes, glycogen, RNA,DNA,etc.

    Functions of mitochondria:-

    •It is main site of TCA cycle and fatty acid metabolism.
    •Release of energy from ATP

    4. Lysosomes:- 

    • Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles.It is spherical in shape.
    • They contains hydrolase enzyme which breaking down a wide variety of substances.
    • They are present in all cells of body except mature RBC.

    Functions of lysosome:-

    •Removal of the the toxic substances from body.

    5. Golgi complex:-

    It consists of a membrane sacs.
    It is present in all cells.
    It content membrane bound vesicles.
    Functions of Golgi complex:-
    It helps in lysosomes production.
    It is site of collection of protein and polysaccharides
    It is concerned with the modification and sorting of different substances.

    6. Centrioles:-

    Centrioles are the microtubular structures.
    They are two in number and found togetherly
    They are are visible during cell division

    Functions of centrioles:- 

    The main function of centriole is generator spindle during cell division.

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