Route of drugs administration


Definition :- A route of administration is the path by which a drug is brought into contact with the body. 

Route of drugs administration mostly divided or classified into two types:-


    》Topical route  :-

    Drug is delivered for localised action on the -

    • skin
    • nasal mucosa
    • Eye
    • Ear canal
    • Anal canal
    • Vagina
    Drugs forms used:-
    •  Spray
    • Lotion
    • Cream
    • Powder
    • Drops
    •  Suppositories etc. 

    》Deeper tissue:-

    Into this intravitreous route of drug administration direct into cavity/Intracavitary.

    Example  :- > Intra articular
                         >Intra thecal

    》Arterial Route :-

    Anticancer drugs 
    Femoral or brachial artery 
    For limb malignancy 


    Systemic route divided into two following groups:-


    a) Oral route :-

    • Both solid and liquid dosages can be given. 
    • No need for sterilizing .
    • Very safe and convenient Route. 


    • Not suitable for emergency situation.
    • Not use for un-co-operative patients. 
    • Can not use pt. Having diarrhoea and vomiting.
    • Some medicine are destroyed by digestive enzymes eg. Insulin.

    b) Sublingual route:-

    In this route the drug place beneath the tongue. 


    • Rapid absorption 
    • Liver bypassed 
    • Use in emergency situation 

    • Drug should be lipid soluble and non irritating.
    • Examples:- Iso-sorbite mononitrate (use in myocardial infarction).
    • Glyceryl trinitrate (use in angina pectoris).

    c) Rectal route:-


    • Diazepam and PCM suppositories are rapidly absorbe through rectum in children.
    • Absorption is unpredictable.


    ☆ injectable route :-

    》Intravenous route:-

    Drug is injected in bulk or infusion slowly over hour.

    ☆ Vein of choice = Median cubital vein 

    Only aqueous solution are to be injected, Never use suspension because drug particles can cause embolism. Uh

    Fastest route of drug administration.

    ☆100% Bioavailability. 

    Most risky route.

    》Intraosseous route:-

    2nd fastest route for the drug administration. 

    100% bioavailability. 

    # Bioavailability :- It is the quantity of the drug that comes into the systemic circulation when the drug is administered. 

    》Subcutaneous route:-

     Drug deposited near the capillaries so absorption rate is faster then oral route.

    Self injection is possible.

    》Intra dermal route:-

    Drug injected into the skin raising a bleb.

    Examples:- BCG vaccine, Sensitivity testing. 

    ☆ Non-injectable Route:- 

    》Cutaneous Route:-

     In this route the drug action constant.

    There are certain drugs where we require constant action.

    eg. Nitroglycerin.

    This patch act for 24 hours.

    It is a direct coronary vasodilator.

    For the dilation of coronary artery we need constant drug in the blood.

    ☆The very important thing about Cutaneous route is that the drug must be lipoidal.

    Only the lipid soluble substances can pass through the skin. 


    Fastest Route for the absorption of drug.

    Absorption from surface of alveoli. 

    I hope you like our article on Routes of drugs administration  and is helpful for you I suggest YouTube video that is given above for fully understand routes of drugs administrationso please watch it now and share your friends and if you have any query related to this topic then please comment in the comment box.

    Thank you.

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