What is communication?

 What is communication?


Communication is the way of transmits the information.

   Communication means the change/exchange of ideas, thought, information conveyed to a person to another person.

   Communication refers to giving and receiving information.communication is the means by which people influence the behaviour of another, leading to the successful outcome of nursing interection.

    Type of communication:-

    1st type of communication

    (A) verbal communication 

    It involves the use of spoken or written .

    (B) Non-verbal communication

    It involves unspoken event. Includes the facial expressions, body posture,touch and eye contact.

    2nd type of communication:-

    (A) Inter personal :- in this communication between the person highly deference in our knowledge level etc.

           Ex. = Teacher and student 

    (B) Intra personal :- in this communication take part both are equal.

            Ex.= Between classmate.

    3rd type of communication

    (A) Formal communication 

     Between the boss and office staff

    (B) informal communication

     Between the family members and friends.

     What is the Therapeutic communication?

          Therapeutic communication is an interection between the nurse and patient during which the nurse focus on the patient specific need to promote an efficitve exchange of information.

          Therapeutic communication nurse to accomplish many goals that is .....

    • Identify the most important need of patients.
    • establishment of therapeutic nurse patients relationship.
    • Assess the patient perception of the problem.
    • Facilitate patients expression of emotions.

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    Communication process:-

    • sender = sender is person who creates initiates and transfer the massege.
    • massege = It is important expect of communication process.It is  information passed from one person to another person.
    • channel = channel is  transmits the massege.
    • Receiver = Receiver Recieve the massege and give the feedback.
    • Feedback/ Response= It is the massege that the Receiver return to the sender.

    Barrier of communication:-

    • Emotional factors
    • Physical factor
    • Intellectual factor
    • social factor 
    • Environmental factor 

    Important of communication:-

    • communication is important for the nurse to understand and to exchange ideas to the client and there relatives.
    • It reduce the inter personal tension and improve the inter personal relationship .
    • poor communication results in poor client care and inter personal relationship.
    • Good communication help the nurse to modify her behaviour and at the same time she will be able to influence the behaviour of those with whom she deal with.
    • Good communication prevent disorders in the words and hospital organization.

    I hope you like our article on Communication  and is helpful for you I suggest YouTube video that is given above for fully understand Communication and it's process and  importance of communicationso please watch it now and share your friends and if you have any query related to this topic then please comment in the comment box.

    Thank you.

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