What is deafness               

    (Hearing impairment &hearing loss)

      Introduction of deafness :-

Deafness is a partial or totally  inability to hear . 

It occur when there is a problem in one or more part of ear.

Deafness can effect the ability  to learn to spoken language in childrens.

It can happen in one or both ear.

Hearing impairment can also effect learning .

If a child is not able to hear properly then how can he understand and learn in a childern it can effect learning process.

Where in adult's it can effect social &emotional development. 

✴️other name of deafness - Anacusis 

What is deafness and hearing loss

          Level of hearing loss :-

    • Normal hearing - 0-25db
    • Mild hearing loss - 25- 40db
    • Moderate hearing loss- 40 -60dbS
    • Severe hearing loss - 60 -90db
    • Profound - 90 db & more 

          Classification (type of deafness)

          👉 Conductive e hearing loss

          👉 Sensorineural hearing loss 

          👉 Mixed hearing loss

        👉 Conductive hearing loss:-

     In conductive hearing loss involve problem with external or middle ear.

    It is caused by infection in middle ear ,extream wax, hole in ear drum & abnormalities in boned of middle ear.

               Causes & risk factors:-

        ✴️External ear 

       ✴️  Middle ear

     ðŸ‘‰Sensorineural hearing loss:-

    In Sensorineural hearing loss problem lies in inner ear.

    In this condition sound waves May reach in inner ear but   because damage of cochlea or auditory nerve .it is not received properly by brain  .

                Causes & risk factors:-

    ✴️Congenital causes 

    ✴️ Acquire causes

              👉 Mixed hearing loss:-

    It is combination of conductive & Sensorineural hearing loss.

    S/s or clinical manifestations of deafness

    •   Progressive hearing loss
    •   Vertigo
    •   Difficulty to understanding words 
    •   Withdrawal from.conversation
    •   Ask for things to repeat 
    •   Confused 
    •   speaking to loudly
    •   Delayed speech


       Diagnosis of deafness :-

    • Weber test 
    • Audiometry test
    • Rini  test

     Management of deafness :-

    Most conductive hearing loss are  correctable by medications  & surgical treatment.
     Sensorineural hearing loss are permanent generally not corrected by medications & surgical treatment .
    Advise to use hearing ads to hearing AIDS to hear clearly.


     Communicating with hearing impact person :-

    •  Speak clearly and naturally
    •  Do not cover your mouth
    • Provide written material 
    • Focus on sign language & lip  reading language
    • Deaf children should be given special school 
    • Speak directly to your pt.
    • Make sure you have your patients attention before talking.
    • Maintain eye contect  when communicating 
    • Nurse should try to focus on written concept then speech.
     I hope you like our article on Deafness or hearing loss and is helpful for you I suggest YouTube video that is given above for fully understand deafness or hearing loss, so please watch it now and share your friends and if you have any questions about this topic then comment in the comment box.

    Thank you