

Introduction of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a functional psychiatric disorder. It is characterized by abnormality  in behaviour, thinking or emotion. 
Schizophrenia is a fragment mind stage. 
Schizophrenia terms are coined by greek word 
  • Schizo:-Split
  • Phren:-mind(behaviour) 
It is classify into f20-f29 in ICD-10 classification and the schizophrenia terms are use in 1908 by eugen bleuler (Swiss psychiatrist) 

    Defination of Schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a group of mental disorder which is characterized by psychotic features like disturbe thought, emotion, behaviour and unable to trust other and disturbe inter-personal relationship for last 6-month.

    Etiology/Causes of Schizophrenia

    • Increase level of dopamine
    • Low socio-economic status
    • Genetic factor
    • Low IQ level
    • Change into life style

    Sign and Symptoms of Schizophrenia

    According to bleuler:-

    Bleuler given the 4A system of it means
    • Autism(difficulty in social interaction) 
    • Ambivalence(showing mixture of feeling) 
    • Association looseness of idea
    • Affect are improper/inappropriate 
    The other name of 4A symptoms is primary symptoms/fundamental symptoms of schizophrenia & chief symptoms of schizophrenia

    Secondary symptoms:-

    Primary symptoms of schizophrenia are including into 4A by bleuler & remaining symptoms are include secondary symptoms of schizophrenia these are. 
    1.Abnormal motar activity 
    • Very flexibility sterio type movement 
    • akathisia 
    • echolalia 
    • echopraxia 
    2.Emotional disorder
    • Apathy 
    3.Altered thought process
    • Blocking of thoughts 
    • Neologism 
    • Delusion 
    4.Disorder of perception
    • Illusion
    • Hallucination 
    5.Disorder of consciousness
    • Stupor.
    6.Disorder of insight
    • Insights are absent

    Sign and Symptoms of schizophrenia according to recent concept

    According to recent concept symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into 2 stages:-

    Positive Symptoms 

    Positive symptoms means symptoms are increases the patients behaviour example
    • Hallucination 
    • Delusion
    • Confused thoughts and disorganised speech
    • Trouble concentrating 
    • Movement disorder

    Negative symptoms

    Negative symptoms means symptoms are decrease patients behaviour example
    • Apathy (loss of emotion) 
    • Anhedonia (loss of pleasure) 
    • Loss of social interaction
    • Avolition 
    • Trouble with speech
    • Flattening 

    Classification of Schizophrenia

    1.Paranoid Schizophrenia

    • It is the most schizophrenia in which paranoid delusion aggressiveness are present. 
    • Auditory hallucination commonly are seen in paranoid schizophrenia
    • Some time delusion of grandiosity are present.

    2.Hebephric Disorganized 

    • This type of schizophrenia usually occur before 25 year of age. 
    • Wandering behaviour are present (wandering behaviour means purposeless or unplanned sitting of place) 
    • The patient with hebephrenic disorganised have a very slow recovery other than type of schizophrenia. 

    3.Catatonic Schizophrenia

    • Catatonic schizophrenia mainly characterized by significant psychomotor distrubance example very flexibility, stupor, echolalia and echopraxia. 

    4.Undifferentiated Schizophrenia

    • This type of schizophrenia are not complete criteria of paranoid, catatonic or disorganised schizophrenia. 

    5.Post Schizophrenia Depression 

    • When the Depression episode occur after the schizophrenia illness known as post schizophrenia depression. 

    6.Residual Schizophrenia

    • In this type, the episode of schizophrenia or symptoms of schizophrenia experienced after the treatment of schizophrenia

    7.Simple Schizophrenia

    • Development of negative symptoms with no history of psychosis known as simple schizophrenia example depression. 

    Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

    • History collection. 
    • Mental status examination.

    Treatment of Schizophrenia

    a) Pharmacological treatment:-

    👉Antipsychotic drugs-
                                         eg. Haloperidol.

    b) Non pharmacological treatment:-

    👉Electro convulsive therapy. 

    👉Cognitive behaviour therapy.

    👉Family support therapy.

    👉Environmental therapy etc.

    c) Combination of pharmacological and non pharmacological therapy. 

    Nursing Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

    • Risk of injury related to extreme hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour as evidence by lack of control over purposeless. 
    • Disturbe thought process related to inability to trust,panic anxiety,hereditary or biochemical factor evidence by extreme suspiciousness. 
    • Impaired social interaction related to short attention span, high level of distractibility or and labile mood. 
    • Ineffective health maintenance related to inability to trust, poor diet intake, difficulty in sleep. 
    • Self care deficit related to schizophrenia symptoms. 
    • Potential for violence related to neurochemical imbalance. 

    Nursing Intervention of Schizophrenia

    • Perform the history taking or mental status examination. 
    • Full fill the patient need. 
    • Observe the patient environment and provide positive environment to the patient
    • To plan the skill training program. 
    • Don't make false promise the can't be full fill. 
    • Approach from front & speek clearly. 
    • Do not leave alone the patient to prevent risk of injury. 
    • Do not touch the patient,use gestures carefully.
    •  Established trust with patient. 

    Some Common Facts of Schizophrenia

    • Schizophrenia is a biological disorder which likely results from imbalance in brain chamber 
    • 1% of population will develop schizophrenia
    • People with schizophrenia are dangerously. 
    • There's no definitive diagnostic test for schizophrenia 
    • About 10% of people with schizophrenia commit suicide are more likely to have a drug or alcohol abuse problem. 
    • People with schizophrenia do not work. 
    • Men are more likely to develop schizophrenia than women. 
    • Schizophrenia typically appears when a person in his or her teen to elderly. 

    Click here to get pdf file of all subjects notes.

    Other query related to schizophrenia

    How can you tell if someone is schizophrenia

    • If any person have symptoms that is given above than you can reffer it to schizophrenia if this symptoms is not caused by substance abuse and alcohol. 

    What do people with schizophrenia see

    • Roughly 70% of people with schizophrenia will experience hallucination, delusion,autism, ambivalence, apathy, stupor, depression and may include having voice like whisperings. 

    Is schizophrenia genetic

    • Yes most of people having schizophrenia due genetic.if you have a family history of your father and grandfather and any other person of your family have schizophrenia. 

    How common is schizophrenia

    • schizophrenia is a common mental disorder because one people in hundred people are suffer from schizophrenia.
     I hope you like our article on Schizophrenia, causes of Schizophrenia, types of Schizophrenia, diagnosis of Schizophrenia, treatment of Schizophrenia etc. Please watch above video to better understand.  If you have any query related to this topic then please comment now.

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