What is female urethra

The female urethra is a part of renal system. It is a tube that extends from the neck of bladder to external meatus for the removal of urine. Which opens into vestibule about 2.5cm below the clitoris. It measure about 4cm and has a diameter of 6mm.

The upper half of female urethra is separated from the anterior vaginal wall by loose areolar tissue and the lower half is firmly embedded in its wall. 

The anatomy of urethra is different in male and women because it closely linked with reproductive organs. 

In the distal wall of female urethra some numerous tubular glands are situated called para-urethral glands . Of these, two are larger called skene's ducts which open either on posterior wall just inside the external meatus or into the vestibule.

    What is the Relations of female urethra

    Anterior relation :- pubic symphysis
    Posterior relation:- vagina
    Lateral relation    :- puborectalis muscle

    What is the Structure of female urethra

    The wall of female urethra is made up of three layer. 

    Mucous membrane in the distal one-third is lined by stratified squamous epithelium but in the proximal two-third stratified transitional epithelium. Submucous coat is vascular. Muscle coat is arranged as inner longitudinal and outer circular. 

    What does a female urethra look like

    Female urethra diagram
    Female urethra diagram 

    What is the Functions of female urethra

    The purpose of female urethra is collecting urine from bladder and passout it from body And this process is done by sending single bladder to the brain and taking out urine from it.

    What is the Difference between male and female urethra 

    It opens out at the tip of the penis by urogenital aperture. 

    it opens by urinary aperture. 

    It is longer than female and it approximately 15 to 20 cm long. 

    it is about 4cm in length. 
    It is approximately 8to9mm in diameter. 

    It is approximately 6mm in diameter. 

    It has four region's.  Not differentiated in region.
    The secretions of male urethra include both urine and semen. 

    Female urethra include only urine secretions. 
    Catheterization is complex. 

    Catheterization is simple. 
    Bacterial infection is common in male

    More prone to bacterial infection. 
    Sphincter regulates both movement of urine and semen. 

    Sphincter regulates movement only of urine

    Blood supply of female urethra 

    Atrial supply:- 

    Proximal parts are supplied by the inferior vesical branch and the distal part by a branch of internal pudendal artery. 

    Venous supply:-

    The veins drain into vesical plexus and into internal pudendal veins. 

    Development of female urethra

    The urethra is developed from the vesico-urethral portion of the cloaca. 

    Urethral Conditions/Problems


    •Defination of urethritis:- It is defined as the infection and inflammation of urethra causes swelling and irritation urethra is a tube carrying urine out of the bladder. The most common cause of urethritis is sexually transmitted diseases. 

    •Causes of urethritis:-
    • Bacterial infection (gonococcus, chlamydia) 
    • Viral infection (herpes simplex virus) 
    • Reiter's syndrome
    • Trauma
    • Engage in high-risk behaviour 
    • Sexually transmitted diseases
    • Uropathogenic escherichia coli(E-Coli) 
    • Sensitivity to the chemical used in spermicides, contraceptives, jellies or foams. 
    • Fungal infection 
    • Surgery
    • Catheter placement

    •Risk factors urethritis:-
    • Oral sex
    • Being a female
    • Having many sexual partners

    •Symptoms of urethritis:- 
    The most common symptoms of urethritis is urethral discharge. 

       Symptoms in men
    • Painful ejaculation and intercorse
    • Burning sensation while urination
    • Discharge from penis
    • Fever in rare condition
    • Itching, tenderness
    • Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area
    • Swelling in the penis

      Symptoms in women 
    • Pelvic and abdominal pain
    • Pain with intercorse
    • Unusual vaginal discharge
    • Frequent or urgent urination
    • Itching
    • Fever chills

      Treatment of urethritis:-
    • Antibiotics medicine
    • Antiviral medicine
    • Antiinflammatory medicine 

    2.Urethral cancer:-

    Urethral cancer is characterized by abnormal cell growth in the lining of urethra. It is most commonly occur in women. 

    Cause of urethral cancer:-
    The exact cause of urethral cancer is unknown but some risk factors is responsible to cause urethral cancer.
    • Being a women
    • Being african american
    • Older age
    • Urinary tract infections (UTI) 
    • chronic inflammation of urethra
    • Sexually transmitted disease
    • History of bladder cancer
    • Urethral stricture 

    Treatment of urethral cancer:-
    • Radiation 
    • Chemotherapy 
    • Surgery 

    3.Urethral syndrome:-

    Urethral syndrome is defined as the group of symptoms that affects urethra. 

    4.Urethral stricture:-

    Urethral stricture is a medical disease in which tube that carries urine from urinary bladder becomes narrowing due presence of scar tissue and restricts the urine flow from bladder.

    5.Urethral caruncle:- 

    It is the most commonly found in post-menopausal  female in which fleshy outgrowth of urethral meatus occur. 

    Symptoms of urethral conditions/Problems

    • Painful urination
    • Blood in urine
    • Decrease urine flow
    • Pelvic or abdominal pain
    • Fowl smelling urine
    • Cloudy urine
    • Persistent need to urine
    • A feeling of pressor in the abdominal 

    Diagnosis of Urethral Conditions/Problems

    • Cystoscopy
    • Urethral ultrasound 
    • Measure urine flow
    • Urinalysis 

    Treatment of urethral Conditions/problems 

    The treatment of urethral problem is depend upon the condition of patients and patient problem from which affected (such as urethritis, urethral cancer etc.) 

    I hope you all like our article on female urethra , if you have any query related to female urethra please comment in comment box.