
  • The tongue is a voluntary muscular organ .
  • It is composed of the skeletal muscles .
  • It is attached to the floor of mouth or hyoid bone by the frenulum.
  • The superior surface of tongue consist of stratified squamous epithelium tissue.

    Parts of the tongue 

    The tongue has ……………

    1. A root 
    2. Body
    3. Tip
    4. A dorsal surface 
    5. A ventral surface.


    • The superior surface of tongue has numerous papillae.
    • There are …….
    1. Valate papillae.
    2. Fungiform papillae .
    3. Filliform papillae.

    1. Vallate papillae:- 

    • The vallate papillae arranged in v-shape at the base of tongue.
    • The total number are 8 to 12.
    • They are largest papillae and easily seen on tongue.

    2. Fungiform papillae:-

    • They are mushroom like papillae.
    • They are situated mainly at tip and edge of tongue.

    3.Filiform papillae :-

    • Filiform papillae are thread like papillae.
    • They are smallest papillae and situated on the anterior 2/3 of tongue .

    Taste buds 

    • The papillae containThree types of taste buds.
    • These the ..…
    1.sweet and salty taste buds:-   
      they are situated manly on tip Of tongue.

    2. Sour taste buds:- 
    They are situated at the edge of and side of tongue.

    3.Bitter taste buds:- 
    They are situated at the back of tongue.

    Blood supply of tongue :- 

    Arterial blood supply :- 

    The lingual arteries (branch of external carotid artery) supply the tongue.

    Venous blood supply :-

    The venous blood is drain into internal jugular vein.

    Nerve supply of tongue :- 

    The tongue is supplied by two types of nerves:- 
    1 motor nerves (efferent nerve)
    2 sensory nerve (afferent nerve)

    1 motor nerve:- 

     All intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue are supplied by hypoglossal nerve (12th cranial nerve) but the palatoglossus muscle is supplied by the cranial root of of accessory nerve(11th cranial nerve).

    2. Sensory nerve:-

    The sensory nerve are……

    Lingual nerve:- 

    it is nerve of general sensation.

    Chorda tympani nerve :- 

    it is nerve of taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue.

    Glossopharyngeal nerve :- 

    it is nerve for both general sensation and taste sensation of posterior 1/3 of tongue.

    Functions of tongue :- 

    The tongue is concerned With :- 
    1. Mastication (chewing) 
    2. Taste
    3. Deglutition(swallowing)
    4. Oral cleansing
    5. Speech 

     I hope you like our article on tongue. Please watch above video to better understand about tongue

    Thank you .