Source of drugs | ONI

 Sources of drugs 

Sources of drug - pharmacology
Sources of drugs

    The drugs obtained from different sources like plant,animal, mineral,microbiological, semisynthetic, synthetic, etc.

    Plant sources of drugs:-

    ☆ Leaves:- 

    Tobacco leaves ➞Nicotine.

    Digitalis purpurea ➞ Digoxin. 

    Eucalyptus ➞ Eucalyptus oil. 

    Atropa belladonna ➞ Atropine. 

    ☆ Flowers:-

    Poppy plant - papaver somniferum ➞ morphine. 

    Vince rosea ➞ vincristin, vinblastine. 

    ☆ Fruit:-

    Senna pod ➞ Anthracin.

    ☆ Seeds:-

    Mix vomica ➞ Strychnine. 

    Castor oil seeds ➞ castor oil. 

    ☆ Roots :-

    Ipecacuanha roots ➞ Emetine. 

    ☆ Bark :-

    Cinchona bark ➞ Quinine.

    Atropa belladonna ➞ Atropine. 

    ☆ Stem:- 

    Chondrodendron tomentosun ➞ Tuboquaranine.

    Animals sources of drugs:-

    Pancreas ➞ Insulin. 

    Urine of pregnant women ➞ HCG.

    Sheep thyroid ➞ Thyroxine. 

    Fish cod liver ➞ vitamin A and D.

    Blood of animals and human plasma ➞ Vaccines 

    Intestine of pig / cattle ➞ Heparin. 

    Mineral sources of drugs:-

    Iron ➞ Anaemia. 

    Zinc ➞ wound / Eczema. 

    Iodine ➞ Antiseptic. 

    Gold ➞  Rheumatoid arthritis. 

    Fluorine ➞  Antiseptic. 

    Borax ➞  Antiseptic. 

    Petroleum ➞ liquid paraffin. 

    Click here to know route of drugs administration

    Microbiological sources of drugs:-

    Penicillium notatum ➞ penicillin. 

    Actinobacteria ➞ Streptomycin. 

    Semisynthetic sources of drugs:-

    Apomorphine ➞ To treat the Parkinson's disease. 

    Ampicillin ➞ Broad spectrum antibiotics.

    Methyltestosterone ➞ To increase the testosterone efficacy. 

    Synthetic sources :-

    Anti anxiety drugs

    Anticonvulsants drugs

    Recombinant DNA technology  / Genetic engineering :-

    ▪ Genetic material of an organism is manipulated using biotechnology. 

    Eg. Human insulin.

    I hope you like this article on sources of drugs. Please watch the video for fully understand sources of drugs.  If you have any query related to this topic then please comment. 

    Thank you.

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