Introduce Of Meniere's Disease

 The disorder takes its name from a french doctor  PROSPER MENIER , who suggest in the 1860 .

Meniere's disease is the disorder  of inner ear that can effect auditory system & vestibular system .

the auditory system concerned with perception of sound  and the vestibular system concerned with the maintenance  of equilibrium.

In meniere's disease the endolymph build up in the  labrinth  which holds structures that help with hearing & balance . the extra fluid build interferes with the signals your brain causing hearing problems & other symptoms 


    The exact causes of MENIERE'S disease is unknown but some risk factors included.......

    ▪️Defective absorption of endolymphatic sac.          ▪️ allergic reaction 

    ▪️ respiratory infections

    ▪️ stress

    ▪️ smoking 

    ▪️ alcohol use

    ▪️ genetic factors

    ▪️ autoimmune causes 

    ▪️ hypothyroidism

    ▪️ head injury

    ▪️ harmonal imbalance (estrogen level elevated )


                       Due to etiological factors


                  Over production of endolymph


       Excessive fluid accumulation in inner Ear 


                              Pressure increase


                         Rupture of membranes


    Parmanent loss of auditory & vestibular system 


                              Meniere's disease

      Sign /Symptoms of MENIERE'S disease 



       Nausea & vomiting


       Blurry vision

       Rapid pulse

       Cold sweat

       Hearing loss

      Disturbance of balance

      Fullness in the ear

    Diagnostic evaluation of  MENIERE'S disease 

    History collection & physical examination

    Audiometric examination 

    Electrocochleography ( to measure fluid pressure in the ear )

    CT scan & MRI.  Y

    Audiometry test 


    Management of MENIERE'S DISEASE 

    ▪️The goal of treatment is to reduce the pressure in the ear & relive symptoms.

    Medical management

    Anti vertigo 




    Anti - histamine

      Surgical management

       ▪️ Endolymphatic sac decompression :- this operation is performed by making an incision behind the ear & exposing the mastoid bone.

    The mastoid bone is open then the sac is open then the sac is open & a valve inserted in to the sac & allowed  for the future drainage.

    ▪️ vestibular neurectomy :- cut the vestibular. Nerve .

    Nursing diagnosis of MENIERE'S disease 

    ✴️ risk of injury related to sudden attack of vertigo.

    ✴️ fluid volume deficient related to  vomiting and impaired intake .

    ✴️anxiety related to sudden onset of symptoms.

    ✴️self care deficient related to vertigo .

    Nursing intervention of MENIERE'S disease 

    ▪️Assess for vertigo including history , onset off attacks , duration ,frequency , and  associated any ear symptoms.

    ▪️assess daily living activity .

    ▪️instruct pt. For  vestibular and balance therapy as prescribe.

    ▪️  educate pt. About  administration of medications .

    ▪️ place pillow on each side of the  head to restrict movement .

    ▪️ assess pt. Intake output.

    ▪️ moniter lab values of electrolytes

    ▪️ assess ingredient  dehydration including BP , pulse , level of consciousness.

    ▪️ encourage pt. For oral fluid.

    ▪️ educated pt. About stress management techniques.

    ▪️provide  comfort measures and avoid stress 

    Producing activites.

    ▪️ encourage pt. To perform self care.

    ▪️ review the diet chart with pt. Or care giver.

    I hope you like this article on meniere's disease and is understand please watch the video on meniere's disease for better understand of this topic. 

    Thank you .