What is obg? commonly used abbreviations and acronyms in obg

What is obg? commonly used abbreviations and acronyms in obg

    •What is obg :- 
    • In Latin word the obstetrics derived from    obstetrix which pertaining to a midwife. 
    • Obstetrics is defined as the study related to  pregnancy of woman and it's disorder in  reproductive age(15 to 45 year) and  puerperium . 

    commonly used abbreviations and acronyms in obg

    No. Abbreviations of Obg 

    AN       :- Atrial Natriuretic Factor

    2. AC    :- Abdominal Circumference
    3. ALT  :- Alanine Amnio Transferase
    4. AUA :- Abnormal Uterine Action
    5. ATS  :- Anti-Tetanus Serum
    6. ATP  :- Adenosine Triphosphate
    7. AST  :- Aspartate Amnio Transferase 
    8. aPLs :- anti-Phospholiipid Antibodies
    9. AGS  :- Antigas Gangrene Serum
    BPP  :- Biophysical Profile
    11. BMI  :- Body Mass Index
    12. BPD  :- Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia
    13. BPD  :- Biparietal Diameter
    14. CVP  :- Central Venous Pressure 
    15. CVS  :- Chorionic Villus Sampling
    16. CVS  :- Congenital Vericella Syndrome
    17. CXR  :- Chest X-ray
    18. CO    :- Cardiac Output
    19. CDC  :- Central for Disease Control
    20. CH    :- Crown Heel 
    21. CIN   :- Cervical Intrapithelial Neoplasia
    22. CBG  :- Corticosteroid binding Globulin
    23. CCF   :- Congestive Cardiac Failure 
    24. CTG   :- Cardiotocography 
    25. CT      :- Computed Tomography 
    24. CS      :- Cesarean Section
    26. CSE    :- Combined Spinal Epidural 
    27. COCs  :- Combined Oral Contraceptives
    28. COX    :- Cyclo-oxygenase 
    29. CST    :- Contraction strees Test 
    30. CPD   :- Cephalopelvic Disproportion 
    31. CPK   :- Creatinine Phosphokinase 
    32. CPT   :- Complete Perineal Tear 
    33. CRL   :- Crown Rump Length
    34. DTA  :- Deep Transverse Arrest 
    35. D&E  :- Dilatation and Evacuation 
    36. D/D   :- Diamniotic-Dichorionic 
    37. DV    :- Ductus Venous 
    38. DBP  :- Diastolic Blood Pressure
    39. DMPA:-Depot Medroxy Progesterone                        Acetate
    40. D/M  :- Diamniotic-Dichorionic
    41. ES     :- Embryonic Stem
    42. EGN :- Etonogestrel 
    43. EFM :- Electronic Fetal Monitoring 
    44. EPF  :- Early Pregnancy Factor
    45. EmOC:-Emergency obstetric care 
    46. ECG :- Electrocardiography 
    47. EAS :- External Anal Sphincter
    48. EDD:- Expected Date of Delivery
    49. FL   :- Femur Length
    50. FBS :- Fetal Blood Sampling 
    51. FSH:- Follicle-stimulating Hormone
    52. FFP:- Fresh Frozen Plasma
    53. FMH:- Fetomaternal Hemorrhage
    54. FFA:- Free Fatty Acid
    55. FGR:- Fetal Growth Restriction
    56. FHS:- Fetal Heart Sound
    57. FRU:- First Referral Unit
    58. GTT:- Glucose Tolerance Test
    59. GLUT:- Glucose Transporter
    60. GBS:- Group B Streptococcus
    61. GTN:- Glyceryl Trinitrate
    62. GTN:- Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia
    63. HDL:- High Density Lipoprotien
    64. HIE :- Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
    65. HB  :- Hemoglobin
    67. HPL:- Human placental Lactogen
    68. HCG:- Human Chorionic Thyrotropin
    69. HIV :- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
    70. IGG :- Immunoglobulin G
    71. IUD :- Intrauterine Device
    72. IUCD:- Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
    73. IUFD:- Intrauterine Fetal Death
    74. IGF-1:- Insulin Growth Factor-1
    75. IAS   :- Internal Anal Sphincter
    76. JSY   :- Janani Suraksha Yojana
    77. LSCS:- Lower Segment Cesarean Section
    78. LMP :- Last Menstrual Period
    79. LH    :- Luteinizing  Hormone
    80. LVP  :- Largest Vertical Pocket 
    No. Pregnancy Terminology Abbreviations
    1. Trimester:- Third Month Period of                                     Pregnancy. 
    2. Amnio      :- Amniocentesis is a procedure  in which fluid aspirate to diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections
    3. A/N           :- Antenatal (Before birth) 
    4. Perineum:- The surface and region between pubic symphysis and coccyx. 
    5. P/N           :- Postnatal (After birth) 
    6. MSU         :- Midstream Urine
    7. Obstetrician:- Specialized maternity                                    doctor. 
    8. PV            :- Passed Urine
    9. PV            :- Per vagina
    10. Parity     :- Number of Babies

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