What is respiration ??

What is respiration ?

What is respiration
What is respiration

Respiration is the act of breathing . It is process of taking oxigen and given out CO2 .

Respiration is consist inspiration , expiration and rest .

Exchange of gases between the blood and air in the lungs called external Respiration / pulmonary Respiration .

The exchange of gases between the blood and tissue / cell called internal Respiration / tissue Respiration .

Respiratory center is medulla oblongata.

    Characteristics of Respiration 

    (1) Rate =

    Rate is the number of feel Respiration in a minute .
    Respiration rate is varies according to following factors :- 

    Age :- 
    • At birth - 130-140/min.
    • First year - 26-30/ min.
    • Sec. Year - 20-26/ min.
    • Adolescent - 20/min.
    • Adult - 16- 20/ min
    • Old age - 10 - 24 /min.

    Sex :- Female have a slightly Repid Respiration rate than the male .

    Change of atmosphere :- oxigen level in the environment is very low increase respiratory rate .

    Exercise :- During exercise the rate and depth of Respiration are increase .

    Temperature :- If the body temperature is rised the metabolic rate is increased so Respiratory rate also increase .

    Disease condition :- most of disease increase the Respiration rate .

    Drugs :- stimulant drug such as :- caffeine , atropine , amonia increase the respiratory rate .

    2) Depth = 

    when measuring and recording Respiration the rate , depth and pattern of breathing should be recorded . The depth of the breath is known as tidal volume , this should be around 500ml . The rate should be regular with equal pause between each breath .

    3) Rhythm = 

    In a normal Respiration the rhythm is normal but critically ill patients have irregular Respiration .

    Some terminology use in Respiratory system 

    • Tachypnea :- Respiration rate increase over 24 breath/min.
    • Bradypnea :- less than 10/min.
    • Apnea :- total close of breathing .
    • Orthopnea :- The client can be breath only in up right position .
    • Dyspnea :-difficulty in breathing .
    • Cyanosis :- blue ness skin 
    • Anoxia / Hypoxia :- It is lack of oxigen in tissue .
    • Anoxemia :- it is lack of oxigen in blood.

    Nursing care of client breathing difficulty 

    • Psychological support 
    • Ventilation of room 
    • Ventilation of lungs.
    • Position of client .
    • Oxigen inhalation .
    • Clearance of air passage .
    • Breathing and coughing .
    • Postural drainage .
    • Steam inhalation 
    • Maintain nutrition .

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