Bronchial asthma: defination, treatment, nursing management - ONI

                Bronchial asthma

    Introduction of asthma:-

    Asthma is a chronic lung disease in which narrows the airway.

    It is characterized by wheezing, coughing & difficulty in breathing.

    Definition of asthma:-

    A disease caused by increased responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree to various stimuli,which result in episodic narrowing and inflammation of the airways.

    Bronchial asthma: defination, treatment, nursing management
    Bronchial asthma diagram-oni

    Causes or etiology of asthma:-

    The exact cause of asthma is not clear but a number of risk factors that may increase chance of developing asthma are following:-

    • Smoking 
    • Viral illness
    • Air pollution
    • Fumes
    • Dust etc.

    Types of asthma :- 

    Their are two types of asthma

    1. Allergic/Extrinsic asthma
    2. Non allergic/Intrinsic asthma

    1.Allergic asthma:-

    Hyperresponsiveness to inhalation of specific allergen such as pet denders,house dust& food particles.

    2.Non-allergic asthma:-

    Irritants is not r/t allergies such as pollution,cold, weather changes, cigarette smoking.

    Sign&symptoms of asthma:-

    • Coughing
    • Wheezing
    • Shortness of breath
    • Mucous production
    • Fatigue
    • Mental confusion
    • Hypoxemia

    Diagnostic evaluation of asthma:-

    • History collection
    • Physical examination
    • Spirometry
    • Cheat X-ray
    • CBC
    • Sputum culture

    Management&treatment of asthma:-

    Medical management of asthma:-

    Administer drugs like:-

    1.corticosteroids:- to decrease inflammation of respiratory tract.
    eg:- beclomethasone 

    2.Mucolytic:- to thin secretion.

    3.Bronchidilators:- to dilate bronchi.

    Surgical management of asthma:-

    If the medications are not helpful to treat asthma and asthma reach to their severe stage then surgical management are need to treat asthma like

    • Bronchial thermoplasty : In this type of surgery the gentle heat are use to shrink the smooth muscle which is helpful in to open your airway that narrowing during asthmatic attack 
    • Other surgical procedures like glomectomy, vagotomy etc used by your doctor to treat severe asthma. 

    Nursing management of asthma:-

    Nursing diagnosis of asthma:-

    1. Ineffective airway clearance r/t excessive mucous secretion & bronchi constriction.

    2. Impaired gas exchange r/t inflammed bronchi.

    3. Activity intolerance r/t fatigue, ineffective breathing pattern.

    4. Knowledge deficit r/t T/t

    Nursing intervention of asthma:-

    1. Explain patient to control coughing to reduce excessive mucous production.

    2. Advice patient to take bronchodilators when there is difficulty in respiration

    3. Advice patient to drink plenty of water to keep sputum liquid in consistence.

    4. Advice patient to avoid crowdy place to prevent infection.

    5. Encourage patient to take enough rest.

    6. Advice patient take medication properly.

    7. Encourage patient to deep,slow or pursed lip breathing.

    8. Suggest patient to take sufficient rest&sleep daily 6 to 8 hours.

    9. Advice patient to take well balanced diet & improve nutritional intake.

    10. Advice to avoid excessive hot and cold fluids which may irritate mucous membrane.

    11. Educate patient about medication,dose route and techniques.

    12. Advice to limit the activity and reduce work time to prevent dyspnea.

    13. Don't keep stop physical activity but avoid heavy exercise.

    14. Advice patient for follow up care.


    • Rahul Mohanpuriya RDM
    • G. R KALA
    • P. R YADAV

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